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I have no idea who did or didn't do anything.
It sounds like there is more to this from your reply to me, Marie.

(Aside, afaik, pornography is legal anyway in the UK, and regulated. So if there were any pornography going on, I suppose the matter would be about personal distaste and a kind of social judging thing?)

I just wanted to raise the issue of targeting. Most important, don't forget. What Miles Johnston is known to do publicly is a bullseye position for targeting. (Maybe including framing?)

Again, I don't know what he has or hasn't done other than Bases, but I'm inclined to agree with Ura Soul that it doesn't seem the best idea to make accusations and say there is evidence while none is available.


The list of domains that was published to the blog that Marie linked to in her original post here includes names that suggest criminality, including child abuse - that is the main issue here as far as I am aware.

You are on point here with regards Miles being targeted for attack. Whatever anyone might think about some of the specific people he has interviewed or some specific claims that might not stand up to examination - he is still pointing in a general direction that will trigger some nefarious groups into strongly preferring him to be silenced imo.

The claim is that there are hundreds of domain names with dodgy associations that are registered to him and that this was discovered by so far un named people. The claim now is apparently that he works making and distributing child pornography, amongst other things and Marie has even inferred in her latest video that she knows he has directly engaged in some way with an underaged girl - though no specifics are given.

Knowing what I know about Miles, I find this extremely unlikely. Even if I just look at the maths involved! If you have watched a few bases interviews you will know that he often makes technical gaffs as he has a lot to manage on his own that would usually require a team to handle (sound, video, interviewing etc.).. He simply doesn't have enough resources to do everything he needs to do to make it all work perfectly. Given that, and given that he has repeatedly demonstrated having little understanding of website technology or how to run/fix a website - I find it impossible to think that he would be running hundreds of websites on ANY topic, let alone covertly in the way being alleged.

The other claims are that he is rich and has never worked at a 'real job' - effectively sponging off of his viewers. From what I have seen, this is also not true; As long as I have known him he has very much appeared to be struggling for money and afaik has been working various day jobs for at least the last 6 months for minimal pay.

Based on what I have seen myself directly, either Miles' entire public life is fake - even including his whole house and personality or the claims being made are false. It will require major evidence that is solid and irrefutable to counter this - so far no such evidence has been presented, only ever more claims.