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RE: We finally fulfilled those first 1,000 words. Now it's about the right time we reopened!

in #marigotnotebook4 years ago

WOOHOO... what a lot of information you put into this post I like to check on. And d*mn, you are so active all around the internet. Where do you find the time? Must be 24x7 creating content for and managing all these communities. Chapeau!

I can finally declare that I can compose when given the time and opportunity

For some time I'm thinking, I like to try to create some music. But I dont dare, I have to many professional music creators and producers in my circle of friends. That said, your attempt and writing about it, gives me another trigger to really step into this world and try something. Planning some off-work time anyway soon, while miss Covid doesnt let me travel the world, giving me lots of time to dive into this abyss :)

Sort: are so active all around the internet. Where do you find the time? Must be 24x7 creating content for and managing all these communities. Chapeau!

You should've joined me on Google+ back when that was active. (And yes, before you ask, its public closure forced me to continue over at STM in February 2019, then successor Hive a year after.)

Trust me, I've been around in some capacity since joining Wikipedia in early 2005. Discovered it while researching the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami as a college student--never looked back.

Reminds me: I feel like renewing my calling-card links in the next month or two. (I'll try reminding you, too.)

Owww from Google+ to STM...That must have been a interesting jump. Before I started with STM back in 2017, I never was really active on anything around, though having accounts at many social media. HIVE is interesting to me, better content at least :)