
@adela77 I can see the logic, but do you think people take the decision not to take drugs because they are illegal?

I personally feel that it's the other way around. Many people take them (try them and ultimately become addicts) because they are illegal.. I remember when I tried marijuana when I was younger, it felt far more exciting than trying a cigarette for the first time because it was against the 'law', however many studies have shown cigarettes are at least as damaging as smoking marijuana..

Also the safety aspect... Do you think there is a trade off between safety and user numbers?

Would be good to hear you views...

Apologise for the downvote, it is not you words that I downvoted, just the GIF.

Just so we're clear, only the contaminates in and on cannabis are bad for your lungs. Cannabis itself is healthy.

Anyone who thinks differently has never had truly clean cannabis. I can take bong rips all day, every day and never get a 'smokers cough' or get the urge to cough anything up in the shower. I breathe easier and deeper with clean cannabis.

I'm one of a ridiculously small number of growers that produce this kind of cannabis, do you really thing 'research studies' had access to this kind of quality? lol

Keep it Clean!

@thecleangame that was my understanding, and by saying 'at least as' was a non controversial way of saying why you just did (whilst not having the knowledge you do).

Appreciate your contribution.


It'll be nice when "Peer Reviewed Studies" of cannabis are done with truly clean cannabis. Right now they're studying the effects of low grade cannabis & unknown contaminants.

No wonder they get so many things wrong. lol

Keep it Clean!