Poland's looking like its going to be added to a list of countries soon that's okay with medical marijuana. This is amazing news, and hopefully everything passes through! There was overwhelming support for this, and a big proponent of this to thank is Piotr "Liroy" Marzec. The laws are slowly changing and this is the first big obstacle Poland must overcome in order to one day decriminalize the plant and legalize it. This will take years, if not decades, but I feel confident that there will be a recreational shop around in my generation. Heck, I might be the first owner. No.. I WILL BE. :)
Poland's seriously going to take a long time to get everything all good with marijuana, I mean the US of motherfuckin' A is taking it's sweet time, innit? I mean, just look at this map of all the states that are green:
And that's not including all the states that probably will decriminalize over the next year or so. I see a lot of bright things happening, and most likely our kids will be alive in a different time.
Just imagine being able to go to a rec shop at 21, choosing medical grade kush and having a fun time. Poland's got thousands of alcohol stores, I mean they're everywhere you look! I've got like 5 within a few minutes walking distance of my house even. Now if only there was an option to have fun without getting the ill effects of alcohol... HMMMM ;)
I hope it will be passed hehe
Not that i care so much living in The Netherlands XD
Hi! We are using tag polish only for content in Polish language. Could you change it?
Zmienione :)
No to zagłosuję:)
Nevada Officially the Maryjuana tourism Capital of the United states!!!
Until 2018, when California will take over ! Cheers for Vegas!!!
And can you believe that Marijuana used to give people long, harsh ass sentences in that state? The party capital of the world, man
Check out my post for latest news ! https://steemit.com/weed/@lodbryce/congratulations-to-nevada-officially-the-maryjuana-tourism-capital-of-the-united-states
There are drug peddlers on almost every street. The drug peddlers will approach tourists under the guise of selling sunglasses. If you do not buy the sunglasses, they will proceed to offer you a wide variety of drugs. Since the police do not do anything to stop the harassment from these drug peddlers, the best thing to do would be to avoid them.
But I have always found luck while in my trips. I was able to get in touch with Greenie ( local420delivery(at)gmail(dot)com ). He is such a reliable and friendly hookup. He sells quality weed and other stuffs at affordable prices.
Well, it was not always illegal - I remember times when cannabis grew in school garden as an example of useful industrial plant :-)
All this "war on drugs" is plainly stupid but it would take ages before the laws are changed because if drugs are legalized a lot of shady profits would be gone...
I'm so jealous of Poland😂 it's pathetic that the U.S. still legally demonized weed.
Good job Poland!! 👏👏👏
up voted great post keep on steeming
Great post, and for sure Europe is going to see a spate of legalisation and decriminalisation...thanks for this useful content. resteeming!
That's great ! great update, thanks for sharing on my way to Poland :D ! will follow you for futher updates :) STEEM ON !!
So Europeans now will have a choice ☺ i mean to go to Netherlands or to Poland for marijuana ☺
That's a big win for Poland!
Here's to you being the first recreational shop owner!
Geez... why are so many people obsessed with pot?
It is a way many so people get wrongfully robbed of time and money by governments around the world.
You got it right sir!
HOLY SHIT! That's fantastic, I guess it's time to move the fuck back to Poland. Cheaper living prices than the UK and they're moving towards weed legalisation. Thank you for sharing this my man, it's literally improved my day, resteemed! <33
I am hoping that we could get people currently addicted on prescription painkillers moved to medicinally grown marijuana. Those painkillers are the real problem right now, and the pharma industry is doing little to prevent the problems.
I recommend reading Ready set go! Step out. Worth-read for any activist :)