Is it organic? It may not be important for someone there, but for the connoisseur it is the number one factor. Not only do organic flowers smell and taste better than "chemols", but the high as well as the descent are more pleasant. If your dealer does not know it, maybe it's time to grow your own plant!
Is it well dried? If the top is dried properly, the branch should slam when it is bent. If it just bends, the herb is wet and is not yet suitable for smoking. Another way to test if the grass is properly dried is to check if the joint from such material burns well and does not go out. To prepare the herb I recommend suitable for the sweet leaves of the grinder. They had a herb for material with excellent compactness for filming. If the joint ceases to burn, then the herb is probably too wet (or contains too much mineral salts from artificial fertilizers, which is even worse!). You better not buy wet herbs. You pay in this way for moisture, which will evaporate from the tops anyway. If you bought packaged and moistened grass, it is very bad. Mold is highly likely. Be sure to avoid smoking mildew! You could get a lung infection. I recommend a small handheld 10x or 30x microscope to check your tops for its presence. It should look like a fabric fibrous covering the plant. At the same time, you need to make sure that the herb is not too dry. If it turns out, it means that it can easily crumble into a fine powder that will cause a harsh and unpleasant taste of smoke. Adding a few pieces of lettuce to the herb And leaving them together in a closed jar for half a day is a good way to increase the moisture level again, and because lettuce is neutral, it will not affect the taste or smell of herbs in any way << Therefore, instead of lettuce I recommend a lemon or orange peel, which gives a nice aroma :).
Is it well preserved? This is a completely different process than drying. Does the herb smell like ordinary grass after mowing the pavement? If so, it is probably not the best preserved and therefore not very good. A properly preserved herb should give off a series of sweet aromas, many of which are impossible to describe, as they are found nowhere else in nature. Perfectly preserved marijuana does not need to be squeezed or torn to feel its wonderful fragrance. She will exude him by herself. In fact, quite often, a good herb, after crushing, smells the same. The fact that the power and taste of a well-preserved herb is better should be noticed.
- Is it still fluffy and whole or crumbled? In a very simple way, crushing reduces the power of herbs. These are very delicate flowers. Careless treatment, tearing and crumbling result in the loss of a large amount of valuable resin glands. Believe me or not, most of the Mexican grass is fantastic before it is compressed!
Does it taste as good as it smells? There are many herbs that smell great, but often only taste like ordinary smoke or slightly sweet smoke. There is a special herb that tastes as good as it smells (or even better). The HP13 and Mothership varieties are great when it comes to this. You can ask: how does the other half of the joint taste? Many of today's varieties of herbs have it to themselves that the first half of the joint tastes great. The other half may however taste like hot, tarry smoke. With a really good joint herb it should taste great up to the mouthpiece. Again, HP13 and Mathership are great for that. ;]
Does it bite you in the throat? Is the herb mild and good, does it have a chemical and harsh aftertaste? If his smoke irritates your throat during inhalation, it probably contains chemical residues in the tissues and should be avoided by you. If the joint shoots and sizzles it indicates the same. I thank you!
Is it shiny? (not white) Take the herb under the sunny natural light and look at it closely. Does it shine like a jewel? This is a very good sign. These sparks are resinous glands. Many people mistakenly assume that the white herb is rich in resin crystals. Not true. All these white particles are cystolites that do not contain THC! Look at white tops under sunlight and see if it shimmers. Probably not very much. That's why I'm not an enthusiast of varieties from the White Widow line ... A lot of white hairs, but not enough resin glands. << ... ooo ... for me White Widowas are just WYPAS !!! ... >>
Is it burned to clean gray ash? If so is a good sign. For that to happen, many things should be done properly before, including leeching, maintenance etc. Many of the herbs from Amsterdam do not meet these requirements and thus lose points in my book.
Does he give you a high? I often see tops that look pretty good (for the untrained eye), but they are actually quite bad. Many of them coming from BC << British Columbia - one of the 10 provinces of Canada >> tops exported to the US is just like that. (Once again, I said EXPORTED TO THE USA! I know that connoisseurs in BC are burning exquisite herb!): Departure:
It happens that some tops do not really give you "high". You get a "hole" from them! These are usually pure indica varieties preferred by some. I personally prefer sativa varieties that usually provide a pure and cerebral "high".
Smoking a joint from club papers. Club tissue paper joints, quite honestly, are chosen by connoisseurs. They do not leave ash behind and they are simply the cleanest kind of paper you smoke. I love to eat cannabis, dress in them, but I never use hemp paper. They taste like ... hemp. You can use a vaporizer that is preferred by many people. If not, clean glass faja or bongo work great. Just make sure they are clean. I recommend spirit and salt to wipe the glass. The salt does not decompose and acts as sandpaper and easily extracts all the resin. & Lt; Water & gt;
The most important question at the end - Does it make you want to go back? Everything comes down to the same thing. Is the herb so delicious that you still want to burn it? If so, smoke! : Rastaman:
If all smokers only buy only a herb that meets all of these criteria, think about how good it will be at the end of its delivery!
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