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RE: How to Get Rid of #Marijuana’s Negative Side Effects - by Emily Earlenbaugh, PhD - Steem's First Cannabis Loving Doctor

in #marijuana8 years ago (edited)

I concur with all of @erikaharris' negative effects. Though I'd like to add:

  1. Sorrow -- when my stash runs out and I have to go get more.
  2. Planking -- when I've smoked too much and cannot move.
  3. Spinning -- when I've smoked an especially potent strain of hash and the world starts spinning, which then leads back to #2.

I've taken to traveling to the majestic lands that have legalized cannabis to undercut the issues involved in #1. While visiting the Netherlands, I learned to keep a glass of sugar water at the table to mitigate the effects of #3. And, these days, I seriously only deal with #2 when I'm battling insomnia and have access to my bed where planking is ideal.

Resteemed and Tweeted. If any of you are on Twitter, hit me up with your handles.

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SteemIt: @cosmo.crator
Twitter: @cosmo_cratorJust followed @erikaharris, @kushsmokers, and @emilyearlenbaugh