Marijuana and Religion

in #marijuana8 years ago (edited)


The cannabis plant, I believe IS the Biblical Tree of Knowledge.

When consumed, it does allow for expansion of thoughts and ideas to flow. I've heard many a stoner wax poetic and philosophical pronouncements, whilst being high. But rather uninteresting when sober. There is a certain deep insight that allows one to ponder deeply, and question everything. Including authority, systems and laws. <--- This I feel is the main reason why it's deemed dangerous by our subjugators. We can't have a free thinking society, making their own choices. That would be bad. After all, the very root Latin origin of the word "Government" means "Mind Control". (mens/ment = mind / gubernare = control)

When you consume cannabis your mind does truly see both good and evil for what it is. This allows you to frame yourself outside of the current paradigm and choose a third option. In certain circles, this third option could be construed as anarchy. (Which is without rulers; without masters) Thus, makes one question God... eventually. This is obviously not good from a religious stand point. Because without man's ability to control another man, through fear of eternal damnation and other superstitious ramblings, an enlightened individual would choose to live freely, without the mental chains imposed on him. This I feel is at the heart of the sentiment, "Live Free, or Die!" What's the point of living, when you can not truly be free?

Marijuana does produce a "fruit" though technically we'd view it as a flower and seed. Then there are "fruits" of our labors, "Fruits" of the Spirit, and "You shall know them by their fruits." Fruits therefore simply means what one produces, what one bears. However, since marijuana is a "seed bearing plant" and according to scripture every seed bearing plant was given for consumption.

I find it sad when the typical person who opposes marijuana, also identifies themselves as a staunch, God fearing Christian. Are they seriously trying to deny that this plant, made by Him, put here for our use, is somehow unholy? I've heard some say that it's the devil's plant... so, that would mean that you are acknowledging satan as having powers of creation? The ignorance and hypocrisy is just oozing out of this argument.

That being said, I personally feel that getting high every day, without taking the seriousness of the clarifications given, from this sacred plant, waters down it's ability to provide deeper meaning. The mind expanding horizons that are possible when given a glimpse of the universal mind, should not be taken lightly. Toking up before your shift at Burger King brings this plant back into "drug" category. You are using this euphoric high as a crutch to make it through your shitty existence. You are not using it to elevate yourself or your status in life. If you get an insight, act on that... make your life about transitions. Have meaning, have purpose.

Marijuana has been used successfully for thousands of years, but always by shaman, medicine men, elders or leaders. When you were invited to partake, it was a special occasion. You took it seriously, and hoped to gain knowledge and learn something from the experience.

With our current understanding of biology and medicine, there is no denying the cannabis plant's healing properties. The simple fact that our bodies have an Endocannabinoid System to begin with, means that either through evolution or creation, that plant is supposed to be a part of our lives. Cannabinoid receptors are in so many parts of the brain and body, the effects of THC are wide-ranging. Which is why I feel that we should take the effects of THC seriously, and not treat it like a fun-time-candy-treat. Calling it recreational does the plant a disservice to what it's true nature and purpose for humans can become. Using cannabis as a medicine or part of a treatment program should be fairly obvious to anyone with a vested interest in health and well-being. (I'm looking at you, doctors) There is so much left to learn and study about the plant's unique bond with us. But outlawing a plant, is just plain stupid. Cannabis will outlive humans on this planet, and no man's will or rule of law will change that.


Great post. So much misunderstanding around it's healing properties. You may like blog [How Weed Saved My Husband] ( if you want to check it out.

I don't even smoke, but I am an advocate, especially of freedom of choice.
Anyway, if I had a medical issue, I'd be seeking out CBD oils in a heartbeat. That's where I feel the most health benefits can come from. I don't inherently feel that burning anything and inhaling the charred plant matter is good for you long term. Which is why the oils make the most sense to me. Plus, with the added information about dabs, wax, butter and oils and their effective temperature ranges, seems that end of the spectrum is sorting itself out to be the "healthier" alternative to just lighting up a joint or doing a bong rip. That's sooo old school! ;-)

LOL! Yeah same here, I don't smoke either. It has helped my husband a great deal though. He does both the bud and dab. Turns out he is able to use way less of both when alternating the two.

Agreed 100%. If you go back to the ancient Greek and Hebrew texts the herb in the holy anointing oil is stated as Kanna Bush. Very similar to Cannabis and not close to Calamus. And there are 9 ounces of flowering bud in a litre of olive oil.

The medical uses for cannabis are showing themselves more and more every day. It is used to defeat many diseases as well as spiritually enlighten many.

Great post - Sorry it's not getting more traction for you. It should. :-)

I like the idea of olive oil mixture. I use olive oil and coconut oil all the time as a carrier oil for other things. Makes perfect sense.
As for the lack of traction... yeah, I know... I figured I'd get tons of hits for sure just because I said weed. (Or maybe I didn't say weed specifically, and that's the keyword I should have used?)