My First time on Weed | AMA for People Who Want to Start

in #marijuana8 years ago

So, I never really thought I'd ever be doing weed ever in my life, but a friend visited my house at a very very dark time of my life and I guess I just had to.. I thought it was a moment of weakness, but damn it was pretty good.


I don't really know what was supposed to happen, I was actually pretty disappointed cuz my friend who introduced me to weed overhyped it so much that I expected way too much from the high, but nonetheless it was fucking amazing.

What Happened:

  1. Puffed the joint once
  2. Kept it in for about 3 seconds
  3. Started coughing for a good minute
  4. Relaxed
  5. Totally Relaxed
  6. Ate Pizza
  7. Forgot that Pizza had ants on them
  8. Watched the ants on the pizza
  9. Watched Rick and Morty
  10. Watched Reggae Shark
  11. Damn
  12. It was pretty good

I live in the Philippines, so MJ is actually illegal here, even for medical purposes. I really wish it weren't. Especially with my situation right now, hope it could get my shit off my mind. 

AMA For those who want to consider trying out weed :)


Damn, son. That shit's illegal. Watch your 6.

Yeah dude, I know! Hope the PH president pushes for legalization of MJ

The Key Impression is : "...It was pretty good..." )))

Its quite disappointing for a visitor like myself in Manila to find that the stance on weed is very strong (and very wrong) Duterte is a little too old school.

So true. He's a bit brash :/