I do not want my children to know I smoke marijuana

in #marijuana9 years ago (edited)

The other day, I smoked marijuana on my back patio. My kids played Minecraft right inside the glass door. I tried to hide that I was smoking pot — obviously not well enough because they saw. My youngest, only 8, was a little distressed.

I’m not a smoker. As a nurse, I know that smoke is carcinogenic, thus dangerous. Plus, the smell makes me queasy. I’ve professed the dangers of smoking to my children since they were toddlers, so their watching me smoke marijuana left me unsettled. My rule is to only vaporize or eat marijuana in front of my kids, never smoke it.

Now, before someone calls social services, I should disclose that I am a legal New Jersey medical marijuana patient. (Also, my mom said I could do it. She’s actually the one who convinced me to try it.)

The truth? I was resistant to trying cannabis. As a child of the '80s and a product of D.A.R.E., the idea that marijuana is bad was ingrained in my head. Even though I was familiar with the developing research, I was ignorant about the extensive practical applications. Sure, I saw the social media posts purporting anecdotal evidence, but I thought much of it was hooey. I believed if something so simple could be so helpful, it wouldn’t be illegal.

Then, while working as a hospice nurse, my life altered course. I suffered a spinal injury, and everything changed. Desperate to recover, I endured major surgery, extensive physical therapy and countless complementary treatments. I took Valium and opiates around the clock in a hopeless attempt to control endless spasms and nerve pain. It dragged on for years.

The first time marijuana was suggested — probably the first 20 times — I rolled my eyes. I subconsciously subscribed to a belief that marijuana patients were just looking to get high. My anguish continued until a friend shared his impressive cannabis results. I researched intently. With my mom’s continued encouragement, the bravery (or desperation) arrived.

My first instinct was to keep my marijuana use top secret. I didn’t want to tell my children, family or anyone. My initial thought process? I’ve guinea-pigged more than a hundred different medications, and not once did I discuss the details with others. I was inclined to treat cannabis like any other medication.

But marijuana isn’t like any other medication. In New Jersey, we only have access to dried marijuana flower. Pills, oils and edibles have to be made at home. Plus, there’s still a massive social stigma against marijuana use, especially against moms who use marijuana. I stressed about my kids finding it or smelling it.

I realized that avoidance of pills isn’t innate. My children don’t reach for pills or an inhaler because I’ve rattled on about medication safety since they developed a pincer grasp. But what if they saw the marijuana? They wouldn’t recognize ground up leaves as medicine. Would they try to play with it? Bring it to school? Feed it to the dog? I concluded that education needed to happen before we had cannabis in the house.

I introduced them to marijuana as a medicine, and just like they never touch pills, they will never touch this new medication, either. We discussed the legal status and how in New Jersey, marijuana is a medication prescribed by a doctor, but in other places it’s illegal. I told them that all medications, marijuana included, have side effects and risks. I was gentle with the discussion early on and assured them that there was a real possibility that cannabis, this new medication, wouldn’t even help me. Nothing else had.

Fortunately, I was wrong. My results were astounding. On the first day that I tried medical marijuana, I stopped taking all Valium and opiates and never took them again. Within a few months, I stopped more pharmaceuticals. No more nasty side effects, and marijuana treats the muscle spasms and nerve pain more effectively than anything else. I’m not cured, but my quality of life has drastically improved.

The results astounded my entire family. Our education continues and became more extensive. We met others whose lives were changed by cannabis. We became privy to the challenges facing medical marijuana patients, such as travel. I can’t travel out of state with my medication.

My son asked one day: “Mom, why isn’t your medicine allowed everywhere? It helps you so much.”

I told him that people are afraid of it because they don’t understand it, that I used to be afraid, too, because nobody talked about it.

“We should talk about it, Mom,” he said. And boom, we became a family of advocates. Now I blog about my life as marijuana mommy helping to spread the truth about this misunderstood plant.

In May, my son came home from school and said, “We learned about drugs in health class today.” I groaned. Their health books were at least a decade old, probably older.

“The book said marijuana is an illegal and dangerous drug.”

“How did you feel about that?” I asked.

He responded: “I raised my hand, and I told the teacher, ‘Wait a minute! Marijuana is also a medicine. My mom uses marijuana!’”

I was overcome with pride. My son always avoids the spotlight (except on the ice rink). He doesn’t like to draw attention to himself. Yet the importance of this message compelled him to speak up. I grinned. I hugged him. I Facebooked it. I blubbered words of praise. Then I thought I should probably reach out to his teacher and let her know my medical status was actually legit. I received a delightfully warm response.

I’m still not a fan of smoking anything, even marijuana. My vaporizer is now repaired, and I have a backup. Cannabis has given my family a lot. Not only did it help a debilitating injury when nothing else could, but also it gave us hope when we needed it most. Best of all, marijuana granted us unique insight and the courage to raise our hand and shout out a message.

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I suppose it is better late than never to point this out, but this entire post was stolen from this article-

If you read any subsequent writing it is clear this person is not the author

Stick with the vaporizer, Momma.... I recommend the pen style oil vapes.. really discreet, I puff while sitting right next to my wife and she doesnt even notice.. you can probably even use it at work if you needed.. Do you have dispenseries in NJ, yet?

Now, your kids know that you use marijuana. They're even advocates for it. You must be a happy woman. Still, I believe that misuse of marijuana can lead be dangerous. Good for you, though! I'm happy for ya. I hope that your kids don't catch you smoking that.

Lying About, or Hiding Cannabis From Your Kids is Damaging to Them

@gamnama, Kudos on you for trying to hide as little as possible. Kids are NOT stupid. I've raised two kids, one in a state where I had to lie about and hide cannabis use from and one in a state I didn't.

There are fundamental differences in their character and it has to do with trust. We broke that with our first child, in order to stay out of prison. Poor kid.

Going to be nice when the majority are aware of how safe cannabis really is. Parents should hope their kids get 'hooked' on cannabis for whatever issue they need relief from. Anything else will have physical addiction still operating, when their initial issue is fixed.
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sometimes it is passion.. ^^

My dream!!!

goodluc and happy !

Wish you and your family are always happy !

If you pretty much do anything more than moderately, it's harmful and stupid. Too much alcohol, painkillers, or weed. In moderation, what you do is nobodys business.


Well hello.
I’m Elvis Hicks, a semi-autonomous reincarnation of Elvis Presley and Bill Hicks. I have a burger in one hand and a cigarette in the other.
My checks tell me this post is probably genuine, original content.
GOOD JOB! Uh Huhh!
Thank you. Thank you very much.
(Elvis has left the building)

This post is the same you win the lottery! keep up the good work and smoke more haha you're just a talent in blogging!



i'm so delighted to hear your story and how cannabis has helped you and countless others. unfortunately here in norway we still have the D.A.R.E mindsett in the whole population. you can show them a meter high stack of research, but they will still call you a junkie and an addict for trying to get a better life and not use stuff like opiates and benzos. we need peple like you to stand your ground on these issues and fight for the right to a healthy life!
the war is waging, but it will be won by us :)

Lovely story. Ive known far too.many people with very similar stories. I sven met tbis cancer patient one time who sould sell.his pills just to buy weed because the pills.made him feel sick... crazy world we live in..

I have a question for those who smoke weed. Why you smoke marijuana?

Great post @gamnama, marijuana has just been recently legalized in Colombia and all I hear left and right is that this is going to increase the violence rate, drug addiction and all this other type of BS around it. These are comments made up by closed minded people that don't see beyond the potential in this plant to improve a lot of people's health (like yours) and instead they spend their time pointing fingers and stereotyping. I don't use this as a medicinal treatment but I'm not a thieve, I'm not a killer, I'm not a drugaddict because I consume it moderately these are the appreciations majority of people make because you smoke this. I agree with the fact to respect when there are children around but society is so ignorant to the point that a drunk is a "better person" and he abuses of their children / spouse or families that their houses are clouds of cigarette smoke and raise their children in this environment. I think at this stage of life , people must begin to analyze situations from another point of view because not everyone who consumes pot is bad and not everyone who stands against it is good!

Although I haven't written my bio yet, there will be a full section about my use of marijuana. I have a number of very painful chronic illness. Some of them are physical, others mental.

I know the feeling of desperation when the doctors tell you to use your medication "sparingly" when you don't want to use it all but require relief. At that point, you'll try anything.

I am also a marijuana mom. Our daughter is 3 and from the beginning she knew that it was Mama Medicine. Education and advocacy is one of my goals.

While I am in a state that is legal for MMJ, finding a prescribing doctor has proved a major challenge.

I'm looking forward to reading your blog, sharing stories as we go.

what is marijuana???

Good .... Good for you! And good for you for feeling open to letting it be known that it's not anywhere close to or even touch a flame on how bad it is as pharmaceuticals are. I won't be afraid Ta say when I was younger I used this God given plant for far more reasons then only medicinal reasons. I now. Rarely if ever use it for anything other then medicinal purposes. I broke my back due to some uneducated kids that were in the wrong place as I landed on them while snowboarding in the park. They never thought and never even know that by them sitting in a spot where they should never sit; in the landing of a huge jump where I had no way of seeing them. Kids....ughh ... I was one.. Hope I never was a part of anyone's life changing for the bad. Proooobably not likely. I'm sure I did some wrong without knowing. That breaking my spine changed my life forever. I was no longer able to do all the things people see as healthy and fit. Not a sob story but .... Just the truth as I'm sure you know. I never took any form of chemicals. 100% natural. Turmeric and other natural
ant inflammatoriy natural meds didn't help..... Maaaaby a given. So I broke down .....'no pun intended' ... (?) and took the pain meds...... Bad idea... NEVER DO THIS...... " THIS IS A PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT....DO NOT TAKE THE PHARMACEUTICALS" ..... That's another story as to why not.... As I'm sure you know. Not being able to feel comfort or be able to do anywhere near the things I used to do the minute before I broke my back..... Which was a lot being that I Lived for snowboarding, skating, surfing, hiking, ill save you from the list.....
Some may not know this but there's a good chance this could bring on some serious depression..... Leading to more pharmaceutical drugs to be pushed on you...... I didn't and don't want to take any of these drugs that have insane harmful lasting effects ...... Forever..... Marijuana is the only thing that has helped with all my symptoms... Literally..... Besides the pharmaceuticals.... But as I said ..... They have some indescribable side effects that are beyond bad for you and my one in your life..... Unlike this plant ... That grows next to a tomato plant or a lilac bush... Where ever ..... Just straight up naturally like any other plant you may stumble upon in the woods..... We can only hope that it just comes to the point where people do their research......for real... Not media research but their own to find that it has more uses and more cures then most anything I know of.... Besides yoga for some ailments. I am more of a tea drinker and eater. That's what jives with me.... Thanks for sharing .... Glad you are on this site and look forward to more posts from you I relate to.... Happy Healing and keep it OG!

I feel very happy when people were interested in me . Happy New Day steemit !

Need more parents like you. Great lessons should come from home!
Credit: forum.sensiseeds.com

The propaganda against marijuana has been ridiculous. Narcotics are much more dangerous, but are routinely prescribed, while some doctors won't prescribe medical marijuana at all.

I don't smoke because it's illegal. But was thinking I would when it's eventually no longer illegal in Pennsylvania.. That was until my wife said she would leave me if I did... So maybe I won't - unless she comes around later on.
With all that said I appreciate that you don't smoke in front of your kids.

If you don't want your kids to see you smoking, you can always consume it in other ways. Edibles are great, and as you know vaporizing is probably the healthiest and most convenient if you get one of those portable vaping pens and concentrate oils (CO2 based)

Glad your vape is fixed.

I just tell my kids when they see the buds, that this is medicine, just like so many other plants are medicine. Also an 80s kid here, and I was pretty pissed I believed all that crap for my first 25 years, what I had been missing.

I hope you and happiness of your family

Just hide it from your kids man, smoke weed everyday!

Check out WomenGrow they might have a chapter in your area where you could meet other women in the cannabis movement, I've met amazing women from this organization. It's all about education, good on you, for educating your children.

so how did it feel to be brainwashed by the state for most your life?

Thank you so much for opining on how cannabis is a way out of the opioid trap.

It is, and that could be one of its most signfiicant benefits. In states with medical marijuana, prescriptions for painkillers drop by 17%. Now, remember that big pharma is one of the key entities lobbying against legalizing. Well, big pharma and the prison-industrial complex. I no longer need to take anything for my back injury, thank god, but the fact is that cannabis is the only medication I ever took that didn't harm me and provided significant relief.

May be because in the back of you mind you know that smoking marijuana is no good. Otherwise why would you hide it ?

The biggest myth of marijuana is that it is a gateway drug. I am glad the medical benefits are finally being recognized.

The problem of marijuana in your community isn't that big.
It's a fact that many people who really need it as a medicine,are jailed,same with people who are using it for recreational purposes. It is stupid that people are getting their life's destroyed thank's to some plant.

In my country,you may get up to 3 years in prison for possession of ANY amount of marijuana,and you get op to 10 years if it is a big amount (depends how much).

I know many stories where my friend with 1 gram got his life ruined,the police in our country is brutal to us,when police found out that i have some marijuana with me,they were beating me off for some time,because i did not want to say where i got it.
Marijuana should be free,but consider that some countries have bigger problems with law than you actually have.

This is a no brainer. I'd choose marijuana over opiates for my family member any day. Hopefully in the future we will have law makers who are not in bed with big pharma.

I was once like you...

As a medical marijuana patient myself, I too find myself trying to be discreet about my medication. So happy you are able to be more transparent about this.


"When I was young, I smoked often"

Would you drink a beer or a glass of wine in front of your kids? Arguably, alcohol is worst for your health than cannabis.
You shouldn't be worried about it, teach them the dangers of smoking but also the amazing plant it is!
As we teach kids to enjoy good wine, they should also learn to (moderately) enjoy cannabis!

admire girls too <3

you are great

Success is great with things that do not want !

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