From Dirt to Dank -- Week Two
Hello again, beautiful, not-so-beautiful, and everywhere-between-people!! ;))
Against the odds, we have made it--And we are here: Week Two or, "Deuce," as I like to call it.
This is when the plants really start to come in to their own; out of the soil and up, up into the light...! (And as we sall shee below, these babies loooooove dem some light!!)
But first: let's check in with the buddies. And here they are!!
Starting with the Top-Center, then moving clockwise, we've got: Mr. Snoop Dawg (Bow wow wow, yippy-yo, yippie-yay), DJ Blueberry Short, Pink Panther #2, Pink Panther #3, and last but not least, Big Momma: Pink Panther #1 (I've labelled the Pink Panthers [PPs] by order of height: the tallest being #1, and so on.) The Most upper-left "empty" looking cup actually has(had) a seedling in it, but, sadly it has not come to light and will likely be replaced.
A little side-cheek # Heyyyyy (Pink Panther #1 & #3 be like, "Whuuuut??!")
As you can kind of see by the pictures, PP #3, (middle-closest) is a fair bit smaller than the other guys. That's probably because, sadly, the poor thing had an unfortunate tumble, allll the way down off her stand, and on to the cold, hard floor of my closet on about Day 3 after breaking ground :( I didn't mention this in my earlier post because I wasn't sure if the buddy would survive. I think it probably shocked the poor thing a bit; but, as you can see, this one's a fighter.
And as a firm believer in the classic Nietzschean saying: "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger," it may turn out that Pink Panther #3 is the Dankest of them All:
(image courtesy of:
Alright, alright--enough showing off...
"you said you were gonna talk about Climate and Watering"
Aight, aight. Let's do it.
It should be a "no-brainer." Plants need water. Just like us (i.e., humans--or, I'm guessing--I don't want to assume anyone's "race" here--;), these carbon-based entities (I'm not really too sure what all being "carbon-based" has to do with anything; I just threw that in there to try and sound scientific) require that clear, tasteless, often bland liquid, made out of H20.
But how much water?? Well, obviously, probably not as much we as humans usually need. Duh.
Although, it would seem, after doing much research on this subject, over-watering appears to be one of the most common mistakes cannabis growers make.
If you read my previous post, you probably saw my picture of this:
Get one. Use it. You'll thank me later. Or not. Either way, when your babies are in their first couple weeks, this is what I do. I keep their growing area small; the amount of water they receive is small; the amount of food they receive is--you guessed it!! Small!! Why?? Because they're small!! I know, I know--the tendency is to want to love and care and nurture your buddies--BUT: from experience: Less Is MORE!! Anyway, that's my schpeil. Water sparsely, and I like to do it around the edge of the cup--the idea being the roots will grow outward. I spray sometime after the lights come on in the morning, and just enough to where the top inch or so of soil gets wet. Conversely, it's time to re-water when that first inch of topsoil is dry again. Re-apply as necessary. But don't water to close to bed-time. Your babies will not like being wet and cold (do you??).
In other words, the Marijuana plant seems to like conditions very similar to those which a human being would themselves actually like!! The Cannabis plant traditionally grows naturally in mostly moderate, "sub tropical" temperatures, such as Central America, etc. (Some even believe the Cannabis plant originated in the diverse climate of the Himalayan Mountains; and it is known to grow wild in the nearby regions of Pakistan in Central Asia [Wikipedia]).
Which us to the topic of...
Climate Control
As we've discussed, accurate watering is crucial; it is, in fact, part of the entire "system" that is maintaining a proper climate. Again, continuing with the "sub-tropical" theme--think humid, but not overly so--pleasant. And not stifling; therefore, we need some circulation.
If you notice in my grow space there is a fan. This is also crucial. The fan serves many purposes: not only does it keep the air in the room from stagnating and collecting dust and other unwanted adulterants on your plants' leaves; it also acts as a strengthener for your little buddies. That's right. Think about it: in nature is the air perfectly still? Unless you're growing weed on the Moon, then, probably not (talked about getting high bahahahah!!). In other words: Keep it natural! Get a little air flowin in there... it whips against your little buddies' leaves; and in response, she will whip right back!! And grow stronger in the process (remember Nietzsche?). (But: be sure your fans go off at night--we don't want temps dropping too low--).
What's another important aspect of climate?
Lights are probably going to be about one of the most crucial aspects, along with watering and feeding, that a grower must master. Light is the life-force of the plant, if you will. It, along with time, are the two crucial factors which will tell your plant what it's supposed to be doing!! So let's think: if we're trying to mimic nature, and we know the Cannabis plant usually begins its life-cycle in the Spring, what else can we deduce about its environment? If we look at the color of the Sun during Spring, and compare it to its color in Late Summer, we will see it is quite different. It has to do with the position of light on a spectrum, which ranges from Blue, or "cooler" light to Red, or "warmer." So in Spring, in the earlier phases of the plant's life, we will need to mimic that cooler "blue" light.
As you see in my pictures, and as I've explained before, I'm utilizing a system of Compact Fluorescent Lights, better-known as "CFLs." CFLs are relatively easy to acquire, and comparatively cheap. So they make for the perfect method, in my opinion, for the newer or less-experienced, "amateur" grower. (Individual results may vary.) I follow a general rule of thumb:
basically One 23-watt CFL per Square Foot of Growing Space. So, as you can see in my space, I have six plants, spread out over about a couple of square feet of space, therefore I have two CFLs. As the plants grow, and gain more leaf-area, I will want to up the level of light to accommodate. But for now, two lights should suffice.
Lights also touch on the topic of temperature. Temperature in your growroom--following with the "theme" thus far, you may be able to make an educated "guess" about what it might be--yes, it should be about "room temperature:" i.e., in the earlier weeks, a bit warmer, but comfortable. (A good "rule of thumb" to follow is: If it's uncomfortable for you, it's probably the same for your plant. For example: place a hand, palm down, just above your plant--hold it there for about ten seconds. If it's too hot for you, then it's definitely too hot for your plant--move your light up a few inches.) On the subject of distance, CFLs can typically get pretty close to your plants. You want them just about as "close as comfortable," following the above method (hand).
Here's a picture exemplifying just how much these bubs like light--they literally move up, and into it!!
Time. (Tiiiiiiiiime/ is on my side: Yes it is....) Well, it can be--depends on how you work it. Like I said before, time is going to be one of the two factors that pretty much tell your plant when to move out of vegetation, and into flowering. At just half-way through Week Two, coming into Week Three, we're only now just getting into vegetation. We want our plants to build as large, solid, and strong of a foundation for our later flowers or, "buds;" (the actual shit you smoke). But that's a ways a way. For now, we do not want to trigger flowering--it's too soon. So, we're going to continue an environment similar to the Cannabis plant's natural condition: this is when the days of the year--therefore periods of sunlight--are growing loooonger and longer; so our lights should be likewise. I believe, technically, maintaining any period of continual light, or photo-period, for longer than around thirteen hours will keep your plant in veg. Dropping the photo-period to anything less than 12 hours will trigger flowering. We will go more in-depth into this subject when the time comes. For now, the plants need Light, Light Light!!
How much? Well, technically, anything more than 12 hours should work. But the general consensus seems to reside somewhere between 18 hours light, 6 hours dark (usually noted 18/6) and 24/0, or, 24 hours of continual light. It seems like having no "rest" is a bit unnatural to me. Just continuing with the "natural" theme, I know I definitely benefit from some good "shut-eye" now and again :) Amarite?? Anyway. Enough outta me. Yeah, between 18 and 24 hours of perfect dark. And I cannot stress the perfect dark enough. That means no light coming through any cracks in your growroom. Not many things will "stress" your babies more than a funked-up light schedule. Or so I've heard. ;)
So, get you onea dese: I remember friends' grandparents' had these in their living rooms so the lights would turn on when they were "away and no one would rob them." Now I use them to turn my weed-lights on and off. Works great. Thanks Grandma!
This is the End... My Greenest Friend, The End,
Well, not quite. Actually, it's closer to the beginning. The beginning of the end of these little buddies lives. It's quite tragic, in a way. We grow these entities, next to each other, getting to know each other, growing together... Then, right when they start to really show themselves, develop into each of their own personal identities, shown through their personal sexes--we whisk away the ones that show a certain trait--the "masculine"--(usually) the taller, the stronger--the "pollinators".
The females, in a futile attempt to lure back a male to "impregnate" her, she feverishly goes to making increasingly intricate and alluring flowers, or, as we potheads have come to call them: Dank-ass Nugs from the Green Goddess Nuggetitia. But, if we, as super-mean, but effective marijuana-growers have done our jobs properly, that day will never come. And the poor virgin is left to wither away and die, left to be put in a pipe and smoked--or, simply returned back to the place whence she came. Depends on how you look at it and your personal religion.
Next Week: Next week, it will likely be time to start discussing (and applying) that notoriously dangerous subject of: (Dum-dum, Duuuuhhhh!!!) NUTRIENTS!!!! (There, I said it.) Nutes. Ahh!!! Nutrients are definitely a touchy subject, and need to be approached very carefully.
And of course, if you see anything that brings up a question, comment, or concern, PLEASE: Comment Below!!
Till then,
Stay Green.
Keep up the good work. I am really keen on aquaponics myself. Aquaponics is enclosed, and can not be contaminated by GMO spores and toxic chemtrail s from sprayed on us from the sky.
Hmm... Aquaponics, as in *hydroponics?" Yeah, I've never done it that way. Something about hydro buds that just seem weird to me lol. Idk what it is... they tend to be much "fluffier" "airier?" I like tight, dense nugs :)). Not to say hydro can't be potent as heck or really bomb, I think I just prefer soil grown. That being said: I'm always up for new things/ a challenge; if it proves to be a more efficacious method, hey, I'm all for it--and it likely may very well be. I'm pretty new to the "game," of growing so I'm sure things may very well change :)
Unlike Hydroponics, Aquaponics is a self regenerating, self sustained eco-system that combines plants and animals to feed each other with food and nutrients.
Hydroponics needs constant maintenance with chemical resources, whereas Aquaponics does not, once its up and running.
Additionally, you can use free electricity generating devices to provide unlimited artificial sun light to grow the plant life; Such as the 2 free electricity devices mentioned below:-
1/ The Motor/Generator of Robert Adams.
2/ The Transformers of Thane Heins.
These are early days for Aquaponics. You can easily imagine a future Aquaponics installation the size of a bathroom, able to feed an entire family indefinitely.
Compared to today's Aquaponics installation. it will be the difference between a propeller bi-plane and a Boeing 777 jet plane.
Very interesting... Looks like quite the popular idea!! Though it seems quite a bit more complex than your average closet marijuana grow... At least doubly so lol. But very intriguing, nonetheless... Unless the system is much more "self-sustaining" than I'd think... Here you do not only have to be concerned with your plants, but also with all the creatures below, including their entire ecosystem!! Seems like a lot to deal with!! Something about the idea of smoking buds that have been fertilized with slug juice sounds kinda gnarly to me; but heck, it's probably bomb.
So I take it you have experienced successfully grown cannabis using this system?
And thank you :). I intend to try!
Hello @gjones15! Congrats on the healthy starts – looks like they're doing quite well. :)
I popped by to let you know that I've sent you a message over on Discord. I'm not sure how much you engage with that space, so thought it best to give you a little heads up. Hope to hear back from ya!
Great post!
Thanks for tasting the eden!
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