I can. You are wrong. Totally. I try to explain ...
First ... why is everybody saying Marihuana? Or Cannabis?
Are we all Mexicans? The word Marihuana originated from the Indians native language, and it means Hemp.
Or are we all Doctors who speak Latin all the time to confuse Patients? Cannabis is Latin for Hemp.
Don`t you know the beneficial plant Hemp? Is Marihuana the regular used word for Hemp in the US?
If, is anyone ever asking why that is?
A fact is: Less and less people know about Hemp, but everyone has heard about the dangerous starter-drug Marihuana, because the Media told us that since decades, over and over again. Only in recent years it decreased a little, because its indefensible - but they still keep the "War against Drugs" up, and with it the prohibition of Hemp.
Im a German, living near Hamburg, and over here also everybody says Marihuana, or Cannabis, but I ask myself all the time - why (rhetoric, I know the answer). Of course the answer is: The Media dont tell about Hemp, they always mention Marihuana or Cannabis - on purpose. Doesnt it sound more dangerous? Doesnt the words Marihuana or Cannabis implement somehow that it is a bad substance? Something, you should avoid?
I say: Yes. A US-Citizen named Anslinger brought Marihuana up in the mid-1930s to keep his newborn FEDERAL BUREAU OF NARCOTICS alive after they failed with alcohol-prohibition. They talked sh*t about black men raping white wimen on Marihuana (just one example) and scared the population and got them with lies to agree to prohibit a over 10.000 yrs well used and cultivated plant, because they talked about the horrible Marihuana and not the horrible Hemp. If they would have done that the people would have noticed the lie.
Did you know? The main reason for the Hemp-prohibition was Nylon, a new product at that time Mr. Anslinger had his hands on! But that`s another story ... If you like to find out more: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harry_J._Anslinger
Also you should know that Americans have their roots in Spanish, French, Portugues, Italian, English, Irish, German, Polish and other countries and guess what they brought over to America? Yep, Hemp-Seeds.
Even a lot of US-Presidents used to smoke Hemp https://hightimes.com/culture/11-us-presidents-who-smoked-marijuana/ Do further research if you like. They also found Hemp in or with mummys from Mongolia, China and Egypt and also with Celts and Vikings which underlines the long time people used this beneficial plant.
But then WW2 came and Germany capitulated and we got US-Rulers and with it the prohibition of Hemp.
Finally, it took only two generations to nearly forget the benefits of Hemp we found out over the last 10.000 Years and the few who still know are labeled as drug addicted and FORCED BY LAW NOT TO BENEFIT or to face punishments and even jail. Propaganda well done.My grandfather (born 1901) smoked "Knaster" (Hemp-Buds were named so over 100 Yrs ago in Germany), and in 1942 the last Book about the use of Hemp ("Hanf" is the German word) came out: http://www.hanfkultur.com/die-lustige-hanffibel-von-1942/ <<< Try Google Translator for the Poem under the picture, maybe it will sound odd and puzzling then, but you`ll understand.
However, if one look over to the Netherlands where they have legalized Hemp since decades will see they have no increase in Accidents whatsoever. Or the Czechs who legalized just a few yrs ago nearly all drugs, even Heroin and Crystal Meth, there are no reports about increasing accidents because of driving drug-users.
Also these States didnt got more dangerous, it
s more the opposite because drug-related crimes rushed to near Zero, also addicted Sex-workers and all the bad things, citizens got more healthy.
And for myself, as a Hemp-User, Id like to point out that Accidents normally DECREASE because Hemp-Users drive safer! I know it for myself since a long time, but they already have Studies about it. Please see here: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2015/02/09/stoned-drivers-are-a-lot-safer-than-drunk-ones-new-federal-data-show/?utm_term=.666a86479a32 includes a further link to the Study.
So, if the US-Countries who legalized Hemp experience an increase in accidents Im sure theres something else to blame, maybe the painkiller (opium-addiction) plague which shakes the US https://www.cincinnati.com/story/news/2018/01/26/opioid-epidemic-states-curb-pain-pill-prescribing/825643001/
A last word about the term "illegal" often used when talking about Hemp (you use it too):
I understand very well that it is illegal to kill someone, but how can a God given plant be illegal?
But you said it yourself:
Its always about the money. And there you see why they dont want to legalize: Because the people would benefit and live and not buy, buy, buy and die.
Who on earth is greater than God, to prohibit Hemp God gave us? Answer: The Industry. The same Industry who tells YOU to take their nice pills instead of plants, and while no one ever died from Hemp but claimed to be healed or experience massive improvements or https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zNT8Zo_sfwo a few thousands die every month (!) from prescribed DRUGS. And they are legal. Great.
Ancient cultures already made difficult operations on the brain and could cure so many illnesses and help so many people to live a life without suffer, but then the catholic church in European Countries started around 1.000 AD to claim "everything is God`s will" and then people died on a simple little infected wound. Like in our Hemp-case it only took a few generations to forget about everything what could have been done, but accepting this "Gods will" sh*t instead for over 600 Years.
Europe had no real doctors at that time, everybody who not absolutely obeyed to the rules of the church got tortured, imprisoned and finally often killed as witches, warlocks or heretics in the name of Ansli .. i mean, God. They fucked up so many generations in the name of God, carried out by Gods "Ground Staff", men like Anslinger, too often doing things just for their own sake.
Whatsoever, the Bible (!!!) says:
"Hemp is one of the many blessings that God gave to man as stated at Genesis 1:11 and Genesis 1:29, and we are commanded to appreciate and to use all of God's creations as long as it is received with thanks, as stated at 1 Timothy 4:4."
Source for those 2 examples and many more to come: http://www.link.websitewizard.com/bible-references-to-hempcannabis.html
Finally Id like to say that You got blinded - and I hope you`ll see how screwed up this really is, like you said to me/us in your Video :-) Stop fighting Hemp, put your energy in getting it legalized for everyone instead :-D
I just re-post for Gabe. I know the positive effect "hemp" has and I understand that it is an ancient plant, considered sacred by many. I watched a set of videos called The Sacred Plant that was an excellent series and it had a lot of great information. Thank you for your excellent reply.