As the movement to legalize the use of marijuana, especially for medicinal purposes, gains traction, here is a useful chart that summarizes the potential health benefits of the various components of cannabis. Attorney General Jeff Sessions is opposed to the legalization of marijuana, but it is reasonably clear that he's fighting a losing battle, even among some members of the Republican party.
Americans are increasingly supporting the legalization of marijuana, and this position will ultimately prevail. I hope that more serious research is conducted into exploring the health benefits of this plant. Big Pharma will oppose that because it could be a threat to its multibillion-dollar business, but heath care should be for the benefit of the people, not big business.
Florida recently got a $3.2M grant to research the effects of marijuana on HIV patients.
That's good news and I hope more states will do that, as I am not confident the federal government is that interested. Other countries such as Israel, Canada and Australia are far ahead of the U.S. Government in this effort.
Yea, a lot of things the USA isn't #1 in anymore these days.