This Original Gangster Kush is a sativa strain. It is probably the best cannabis I have tried in a long time. It has a great smell, similar to The Purple Afghan, but the pain relief is a 10 out 10 and is I give it a 10 for sleep.
It smokes nice. I have one first thing early morning and it gives me a good 3 hours of restful sleep. I will for sure purchase it again as well as the Purple Afghan.
I like
Cannabis for health. I agree
Oh yes. Ive had rheumatoid arthritis for 25 yrs believe me it helps. Thanks @ardyach
Like you all I want is a break from the pain is not too much to ask.
And that's what it's done for me. Up until 12 yrs ago I was totally against cannabis. I started researching and a friend gave m some to try, that worked for me. I understand your pain.
Hopefully one day I get to try it . Glad you get some relief :)
I hope so,
Never tried it, Its boring here in the UK lol
You can probably get it online if you are feeling brave.
Knowing my luck I would get caught and locked up, my country is so boring lol
It's not for everyone. I suffer from severe rheumatoid arthritis. It's the best thing that helps immediately.
I have chronic pain, fibromylagia, osteoarthritis, I take so many pain killers it drives me mad
So do I @karen54 but cannabis really helps me with a lot of pain relieve. I don't smoke for the high, I smoke to relieve pain and to get sleep. I know a lot people who use it for pain control.
Hopefully the law will be changed where we can see it for pain medication. Could do with a nights sleep without pain
That would be awesome wouldn't it