Canada "legalized" cannabis today! (hide your stash)

in #marijuana7 years ago

This "legalization" is just recriminalization.... just prohibition 2.0 :(
Here are some images from @DRutter's page over the past few years:

legalization sticks.jpg

trudeau on legalization.png

free and fair market.png



prohibitionists 2018.png

who can possess legalized cannabis in BC.png

more like portugal.png

legal lies.jpg

Keep fighting to end cannabis prohibition in Canada and around the world! Free all peaceful cannabis "criminals" and stop arresting people for victimless plant crimes!!

<3 hempy#equalrightsforcannabisusers #endthewarondrugs #hempcansavetheworld #justsaynotolegalization


Good one Hempy! Stay positive out there everybody.... it's getting ugly before it gets better!