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RE: Secondhand Marijuana Smoke More Dangerous than Secondhand Cigarette Smoke

in #marijuana8 years ago

This is really unique!! I have been wondering about this but never really knew. I am allergic to cigarette smoke and do whatever I can to be away from it. I have never been around marijuana smoke and everyone I know who smokes it has said how it is healthier than cigarettes, but I never knew any effects of it at all so I was just quiet and shrugged. I think what part of your last statement said goes in line with what I have been told. . .where people would say it because we don't have enough research of people being around it yet. I mean, no one thought second hand smoking was bad either until decades after people had already been around it, so you figure it would take time to learn the effects of second hand marijuana smoke.
Great post. Upping you.