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RE: MarijuArticle #2: A Call for Help to my Country: An Opinion to Why the Philippines is Unprepared to Legalize Medical Cannabis!

in #marijuana8 years ago

Hello @asbonclz, very good post. Its nice to know more about Philippines and how they deal with cannabis. People need to understand the reasons why cannabis is so demonized in your country and understand that this view is changing all over the world. Nowdays we have a lot of researches and info and it must be spread to change things, the priority is give access to the medicinal uses of cannabis and we need to change the mentality that cannabis is only recreational. Its a slow process, in Philippines must be even harder due to this tight laws, I think you guys are in the right way with the organizations as PORMAL PCCS and PMM . Only together its possible to make a stand. Very good post man , see you


Thank you so much, however most people in our country does not support HB 180, even if you visit the link there, there's only 1% votes out of the needed votes. It's sad that no one cares about the people who has cancer and who suffers serious illness. People are really hypocritical and I hate it.

yes man its really sad...Its a very slow process and few organizations of the society help with it ...the media , the church... I don´t understand why these people with knowledge who, in theory, knows the medicinal potential of cannabis, keep putting cannabis in the underground world, hypocrites, while they have nothing against alcohol or tobacco for example.

Yeah, I agree with that. I support this HB 180 because I feel so sad about the parents of children who suffers from epilepsy. They are so helpless, and it breaks my heart to just watch them. I can still remember of a beautiful girl who died because she was deprived of her freedom to access this wonderful medicine. She should still be alive until now if she was treated with cannabis oil.