If you have ever read “Rich Dad, Poor Dad”, which I’m sure a lot of you have, that’s one of Robert Kiyosaki’s phrase which has a strong message, when we put it to use it makes a lot of sense. Recently after #Colombia became the 4th country in Latin America to approve the legalization of Marijuana, caused a lot of controversy and discontent from different political parties. This started giving a light of hope for those that support this movement, because other than the negative perception around its recreational use it has helped improve the health of those that have illnesses and which majority of the time these are terminal.
(Picture taken from www.semana.com)
Colombia has always been beaten by drug trafficking and drug abuse for the past decades, which created a debate and it left the idea up for discussion whether to approve this law or not. Towards the end of May it was approved in the chamber of representatives with 83 votes in favor and only 3 votes against and now is waiting for the final sanction by the actual president to be put down officially on paper. The aim of this law like in other countries like the U.S. is to increase the production and scientific studies to help people in need of its medicinal qualities. Colombia is a country that has been coming up strong the last years in Latin America’s economy and this will help generate an increase in income for all those small families that are harvesting the “devil´s lettuce” since now they will be backed up by the government in the whole process and as a result of this bringing hope back to those who depend on it to recover their health.
(Picture taken from www.semana.com)
A lot of people in the world need to leave that taboo bull*** on the side and start seeing opportunities where others don’t. As a recreational user of this plant and I say it without a shame (shame on those that abuse tobacco or liquor) and now a new lover of Cryptocurrencies (another taboo) because everybody thought 4-5 years ago digital currencies were just a fantasy; and nowadays coins like #Steem and #Bitcoin have showed the world how you just have to go with the flow and the universe will make sure everything gets set up in the right place. There’s a big opportunity in this now, with the evolution of technology that it’s connecting people worldwide and patients that use the plant and at the same time love the crypto revolution is increasing the usability of digital currencies through the use of CannabisCoin (CANN) which is accepted in dispensaries in the US. At the pace that the crypto community is growing, we can’t keep being blind to this reality where I don’t see faraway the chance for countries like ours to take advantage of this legalization of cannabis that will improve a lot of people’s health and giving added value to the use of digital currencies!
So join me on this new labor “investing for tomorrow, harvesting today”!
What is canna coin man and why does it have value?
Hey @trytobezen check the link out http://cannabiscoin.net/ basically you're crypto is backed up by reefer but more than that it keeps increasin crypto usage!
I also believe the legalization in all parts of the us is in the foreseeable future. Not only will it be heavily taxed, but it will provide jobs and business opportunities for many people. Apart from the effects of smoking, those who choose to vaporize it have no ill side effects or consume edibles. The only caution is driving with impaired ability which must be addressed. I support it and I think it will evolve into a good thing and keep nonviolent incarcerations for distribution. I guess the future will tell.
Seems that cannabis and crypto go together like peas and carrots lol