If you haven't seen the video of Congressman Trey Gowdy grilling national drug policy director on marijuana classification…you've got to! (Don't worry, I'll embed that sucka)
The whole point of drug classification & scheduling is to put these substances in order of worst to least harmful in a sense. Don't get me started ton the controlled substances act which is total bulldookey to begin with. But when our own govt puts marijuana on schedule 1 which means it has no medicinal value, all the while cocaine & amphetamines are listed on schedule 2…sumpin' don't sound right!

With all the studies that have been done in our own country with the University of Mississippi, all the patents done by the pharmaceutical companies & our own govt, …showing tumor & cancer cell apoptosis, anti-inflammatory benefits, pain reliever, etc…Our dumb ass drug policy directors STILL have marijuana listed on schedule 1. This is the kind of shit that enrages me to the Nth fucking degree. Meanwhile, we currently have 27 states that have legalized medical marijuana because the state representatives realize the powerful benefits of cannabis. I'm sure if they are not using it, they know someone who absolutely is.
Not only that…but we have 8 states that have said…"You know what? Go ahead & smoke that sticky bud for recreational purposes…it' ain't no thang but a chicken wang." So how in the fuck can the shit STILL Be listed on the schedule 1 of drugs…the worst of all worst…above cocaine & amphetamines…and how the fuck can it STILL Be ILLEGAL in the eyes of the federal law?!! If something doesn't change soon…the people are going to rise up & steamroll right over this entity that has taken most of our freedoms away. I already see signs of it happening so fuck them right? Go light one up…it's your ritual, & it's healthier than they say it is.
Sources: https://www.drugabuse.gov/drugs-abuse/marijuana/nidas-role-in-providing-marijuana-research