Scientists Determine How Much Pot Is in a Joint!

in #marijuana9 years ago

So I found this amazing scientific research work done on the Cannabis industry. I wanted to share.

The research says :

Using nearly a decade's worth of data encompassing 10,628 marijuana transactions per federal arrest data, they concluded the average is 0.32 grams, at an average joint cost of $3.50. There are roughly 28 grams in an ounce, meaning an ounce of weed should yield about 88 joints. 

So its .32 Grams per 1 joint and L=locally here a good quality ounce ( 28 grams) can be bought between $350 - $400. So that means that if a joint has .32 grams that joint would be worth $4.58 bucks!

#cannabis #science #craigrant


Hey, not to hijack your post, but the next secret writer is out. It's a doozie.........just wanted you to wake up with it. Have your green jello now already?