The Marijuana plant does one thing. It transports you to the 5th dimension. The Right Now. This moment.
Who cares?
If you observe children that have not learned to understand what time is yet. You will see they also experience life in the right now. One task to the next. Moving their focus off the prior experience and onto the current experience.
As we grow, also our responsibilities grow. And we are sucked into the 4th dimension. The dimension where time exists.
Side Effects of Time
- Only in the realm of time can you experience stress.
- Only in the realm of time can you experience worry.
- Only in the realm of time can you experience depression.
- Only in the realm of time can you experience negative energy.
In the right now, it is not possible to experience Any of these things.
Unfortunately, if the mass new of this the doctor visits would decrease rampant. The prescription drug industry would get slaughtered. And therefore the government would lose a ton of revenue.
We are indoctrinated as younger adults that marijuana is a drug that fries your brain. It destroys your short term memory.
WAIT! This is true! Marijuana DOES destroy your short term memory. Or in other words, it puts you in the right now! Exactly where we were when we were young children and happy.
When we say the word "drug" we need to abide by the meaning of the word. Words are symbols for an experience.
I can say apples are oranges but then all I am doing is destroying the language used to describe experiences.
Drug - a substance used in dyeing or chemical operations.
Chemical - a compound or substance that has been purified or prepared, especially artificially.
Artificial - made or produced by human beings rather than occurring naturally, typically as a copy of something natural.
These spin on words are the poison that destroys minds.
The cure from all negative energy is simply living in the experience of the right now.
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I hate how corrupt the Pharmaceutical companies are!! Thanks for sharing :)
Great insight hopefully it will grow more in popularity like it has been!
Thanks for sharing
that Green Crack tho – fire! o_o
i m like

Can I get a double Amen. I agree, kids are being programmed by the same programme that was used for generations. Marijuana is a herb and also medicine that have many other uses.
People should maybe focus on how this can help humankind instead of trying to stop it.