Hi steemit peeps and fellow steemit stoners, I would just like to share my thoughts on my experience smoking weed and would like your opinion on wether its okay.
I believe a J a day keeps the doctor away, I started from the age of 18 and ever since I’ve just loved the person I am when I’m high. I’m 27 years old now and just wondering if it has really effected me the negative way everybody says it does
Besides crypto-trading, I study sound engineering and music technology, so as motivation and focuss play a big role in my studying and at times I find that marijuana gives me exactly that! Studying can be boring and tedious but when one is high it can be a whole different ball game. It lets me think ‘out of the box’. Like the day I read that “sound is a phenomenon that accurs when vibrations are produce from a vibrating source” that completly blew my mind and I was so exited because the word ‘phenomenon’ emplied to me that theres still alot of descovering to be done in the world of sound and it can not totally be explained yet. That motivated me to study more being high gets the creative juices flowing!
Morally, smoking weed has been okay for me because I never want to be upset when I’m high. It’s much more difficult for anything to get on my nerves. All I like to do is make jokes and appriciate all the little things in life like spending time with kids and friends even my mother has once asked me to get her weed one day to burn in an oil burner because she believes it chaces evil spirits away lol. (Yeah right)
I don’t really smoke much when I consider how much my friends smoke but none of them are down in the dumps or anything, they are all doing well in their careers and studies. Which brings me back to the question of what is wrong with it because here in the UK marijuana is elligal. I just wonder why!?
The other reason I don’t smoke too much is because I believe too much of anything is not good so one needs to be careful not to over-induldge in anything. Even eating too much makes you fat!
I know getting high causes one to over eat but i do try and keep a balance and stay active.
I once tried to top smoking weed because I thought it was the cause of my paranoia. But during the time I had stopped, I got a book from one of my stoner friends called ‘cognitive behavioural therapy’ (cbt ) I swaer its a must read for any stoner or anybody infact because it teaches you to control your thoughts!
After I read this book I realised the problem was not the weed but the way I think so I completed the book and done the tasks it suggest and I can smoke weed again now and don’t get paranoid!
Anyway I’m a big free the weed activist and and I believe people should be allowed to smoke it for medical or recreational reasons. Maybe its not okay to smoke at work or anything but like everything else, its all about being responsible.
I would like to know your thoughts and if its going to have any long term effects on me?
Coz besides the fact that I can’t remeber where i set my joint now.. I’m grand!! :)
Dude work on proof reading your posts, so many typos
I wont tell you to stop, you've been on that for 10 years running, youre most likely addicted and you'll never stop.
Weed does not get your creativity running, it does provide an outside the box view, but thats all an illusion bro.
Depending on the strain you take (around my parts we got some supper doped up strain) you get a body high, or head high or both . i suspect you take the "head high" variant.
But whatever strain you take, the more you use it, the more you grow up a resistance, and the more you buy. Eventually you're blowing through a $100 dollar worth of weed a week, and suddenly wheres all your cash going?
The physcological effects are even worse, higher chance of schizophrenia(nasty shit) and other out-of-reality disorders.
Then there is the cancer from the smoke.
Look mehn, my only advice is, switch to brownies, eatables if you will, they last far longer give a better feel, and can be rationed more appropriately. At least 1 a week or two is OK .
If you find yourself smoking more than once per 3 days, you're addicted.
Im telling you to stay clear or get rid of this habit not because its wrong, but of you're own good. Take a good look at yourself, only u know the truth.
Hi mate, yes i just wish my phone would make life easier and give me predictive text on steemit. Well yes I would say im addicted but honestly speaking most of the time I go with one smoke a day and sometimes none. In the whole 10years, at the most i’ve only spent 50bucks a week. Not every week just one week i felt like spending that much on it. I can even leave it there for a few days and forget about it. But in that time i’ll be doing other things that keep me too occupied to have a smoke. As I said. If I think I have it under control then why is there a need to stop? But im afraid of brownies and stuff because they can make you seriously high. I like it when the buzz after 10mins and your left thinking your sober but your not, it just leaves me open minded the rest of the day.
Lol, brownies arnt bad, apart from that, we would basically ground the weed itself, and use it to cook some vegetables, just. Little, not too much, the normal smoking level would be too much when used to cook.
Then men would be high and playing halo before hitting the studio.
That's all past though
Well if you've got it under control, then there's no need for panic, BUT there exists the illusion of control some strain can mess you up to the heavens (avoid african strains ghana, SA, east african , those are super potent)
For your phone, i suggest firefox, its predictive typing doesnt go out on steemit.
unlike a certain google chrome
Oh awesom man! Thank you!