Feminized seeds , those i get from: https://www.zamnesia.nl/35-wiet-zaden
payd with bitcions
The most important is perliet.This regulate the moister and sucks the +fertilizer
Dont forget to moisterize.
I use 1:3 potting soil ,1:3 peat soil and 1:3 perlite
Moisterize it.
Dont touch the seeds with ur hands ,use a pincet or gloves.
Putt it on top of ur soil mix
Cover with peat soil
Humidify again.
Cover up the propagator.
This is after 3 days.
After 5 days.
Now is time to put them in a growing pot, i use 4L pots,2:3 potting soil,1:3peat soil,20%perlite. At this time they wil need 18 h light and 6h darknes.
Dont fil it up til the top?do3:4 soil , put ur seedling in,fil it up to the 1st leaves.
Moisterize evry day
Soon it will be looking like this.
Next time i chow u how to make ur own cannabis clones.
I hope u enjoy my post.
Nice :)
Interesting post
Great. Something for beginners. I appreciate :)
thx bro! i just had problems with my own plants, fron 3 seed, 2 died :(
Will try you guide next time.
Use perlite.
It wil make the diferense.