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RE: Cinex - Grown by Tokeland - The 6 Dollar Gram!

in #marijuana8 years ago

crazy high?
I feel the price is crazy low.
I haven't seen regs in a good while. I wouldn't even know where to go to find it.
Legal weed kind of took over the black market, I know a lot of medical weed providers that actually moved to Hawaii because they couldn't hang with the legal shops.
how much is a quarter now days of the regs?


$20 a quarter $65 an ounce, but quality is up and down depend on the day.
I just can't bring myself to pay the prices they want for the high dollar, it isn't that much better.

I'm holding out for edibles,...

damn that's like the prices I remember when I was a kid. lol

There are so much editable wise in the shops. might even be up to 50%of the weed shops supply.

Edibles are kool but I enjoy the smoking part to much.

Maybe we can figure a way out to get some thc munchies out to you.

The people in this state just voted to make all drug crimes misdemeanors but the 'lawmakers' haven't made the law and the old laws are still in effect until they do.

Good thing they can't prove me a citizen, otherwise their laws might apply to me,.....

I'm headed south soon, they just legalized the medical.

Weed laws are retarded.
prohibition never works.
as more states get tax income from weed the others will catch up.
then after it becomes legal everyone will just grow their own and it will be free.
im sure someone will stop that cause they will want profit. a lot of people in cali growing don't want it legalized because it will make them lose out on money.

Lol, yeah, the bush/Clinton crime family must be hating it,...