I think it is some kind of law of the universe or something that everyone have a Whiner McWhinerson getting in their business. While not as descriptive, I just simply refer to them as Loser. But I'm glad you found a solution.
I have been dealing with some peripheral neuropathy, progressing ever so gradually, but noticeably. I had high hopes that some marijuana might help. Paid up for the some stuff sans the mind-altering properties so I could partake regularly and maintain the high functionality that my work requires. Alas, no positive effects. Maybe I'll risk sacrificing some functionality and give it another try.
Needless to say, I have become more and more vocal about the potential benefits of medical marijuana. And how in the hell can a government be so openly hypocritical to simultaneously classify marijuana as a class 1 drug (by definition, having no medical properties/purposes) while holding a patent on its medical application! Any illusion that your, or my, government has our interests in mind, whatsoever, is completely dispelled by that, imo.