I’m a very small part of the puzzle, but I was there, so I know the story. I was nervous about coming in here, but I just want to set the record straight. I’m a big history guy, and I like correct history on stuff like this. I moved to Crested Butte in ’87. By 1989, ’90, we were growing a lot of m39, Skunk #1, we had a strain of Hash Plant that was absolutely incredible that I would put right up along with the ones of the Dog Bud. It was smuggled by a girl we knew from Leadville, from somewhere in Asia. She sewed it in her sleeve. We were growing that and smoking P-Bud, an outdoor strain from Colorado that was absolutely incredible. In ’89, ’90 this pot came in called Dog Bud. We were getting a lot of it. We were told it was coming from the California-Oregon border. We were getting pounds of it. It was some of the most incredible indoor that we had ever seen. The smell? You walked into a grocery store with a tiny bit in your pocket and the clerk was like, “did someone hit a skunk?” So we were getting this Dog Bud and we couldn’t believe the looks of it, we’d never seen anything like it. From what I heard, it was called Dog Bud because after you smoked it, it made you roll over like a dog. And “d-o-g,” not “d-a-w-g.” This was back when it was organic, don’t panic, but we were thinking they must have pumped so much chemicals into this pot. We just started calling it “Chem Weed,” just as a joke. So Chem Dog, he put those two together and that’s where it came from. But we were big Deadheads back then and we used to tour every summer, and back in ’91 we went on tour and brought a pound of the Dog Bud with us. And back then in the summer time pot would dry up, it was really hard to find a bag of pot, even at a Dead show. So we brought this out and before the show we were sitting on our car and said the words “kind bud,” and some guy came over. We showed it to him, and he was like “oh, my god, I’ll buy three from you.” Within fifteen minutes, I swear, we had a line at our car of people
wanting to buy it. And we sold out in no time. Well, Chem Dog came by and he bought a bag, and then he came back and bought another ounce. We probably charged him a lot of money. We were young and greedy back then. But he bought it he was happy and no one complained. I hung out with him at the show, exchanged numbers, and when we got back to Crested Butte, everyone was pissed we took a pound of Dog Bud out of town on Dead tour, so that didn’t go over well with a lot of people. But we were the ones that were able to get it, so it was kind of our decision. And I’m glad we did it. So we got back to town and sent him two ounces [in Massachusetts] I think, quarter pound, not really sure what we sent him it was a while ago. One ounce had no seeds in it, he said, and one had thirteen seeds in it. We had been looking for seeds in it ever since we had it. Never found a seed in a year of us getting it. And he got 13 in one bag. So that’s kind of where it all kind of started. All the credit goes to Chem Dog and what he did with them. Over those years, of the 91 and the Chem D, which were my two favorites. Did a lot of crosses. Of the first four, one was a male, and he chucked it. He wouldn’t have now. Three of them were keepers: The Chem 91, The Chem Sister and the Chem C, I think it was called. In 2000, he germinated four more, one was junk. The Chem D is probably my favorite for all around taste and potency. It’s pretty special. So, fast forward a couple years, Joe called me and he said, I think there’s a strain called New York City Diesel that I think is actually guys going up to Massachusetts and getting clones and they changed the name from Chem 91 to Diesel, and then New York City Diesel. So they are the same thing.
Oh look! A beautiful flower over there