Top 5 Reasons I Love Weed (and the associated strains)
In my first post I spoke about my hands on introduction to weed and why I started smoking. For this post I wanted to dig deeper as to why I keep smoking. It is deeper than just smoking to make me happy. It's deeper than that. Much deeper.
<Insert Michael Scott gif>

This is my ode to weed, my top five list of personal experiences as to why I choose to smoke everyday, in descending order. I could have made this list substantially longer for obvious reasons that weed is just so darn good! But alas, here is my short list.
5. Physical Touch is Fire.
If you are a weed smoker than you will know (or at least I hope you do!) what I am talking about. Especially during sexy time. Wink, wink. It is the phenomenon of "waking" your body up; in other words, it's like every skin cell is on high alert. This directly relates to hearing sounds and tasting food differently, more often in a more pleasurable way. It's fireworks without the burn. I like to smoke True OG. It does make my mouth a bit dry, but I normally keep my water bottle within reach at all times. So stay hydrated!
4. Bring on the Creativity.
Two words, one name: Green Crack. Awesome. I came up with that joke while smoking GC! Just kidding I didn't (or it might have been a better joke...). This particular strain is a sativa dominant hybrid. When I've smoked this strain the barriers in my brain are taken down and I am allowed to go through some pathways I didn't know existed. Like rats in a maze are suddenly given the moment to run for the door to freedom because the walls enslaving them just vanish. Poof! Well maybe my walls don't vanish, but my obstacles seem to lessen so I am able to begin focusing on my goal. I didn't think I could be a writer, but since smoking I've been more encouraged to let my imagination run and get some ideas down on paper. I wrote my first stand-up set after smoking . I came up with some movie ideas. Does it matter that no one will ever see or hear these ideas? NO! It's about using those muscles in your brain to come up with new ideas about anything. Why would anyone want to limit someone else's ability to learn? A young architect smoking in his room can come up with sustainable living to solve housing issues in the overcrowded future. A retired librarian smoking one night comes up with a suitable way to deal with overseas negotiations where not a single life is lost. You get the idea here. There are some beautiful ideas out there. Let's let them grow. Not let them go.
3. Community or Bust.
This one is easy. Since my first day I was welcomed with open arms. It's not a place where I can go or a club that meets once a week. It's just an unsaid collective of people who have a bond. This bond may be all in my mind.* Nonetheless, a sense of community can go a long way, especially in a big city like LA. I don't believe we are meant to live this life alone, but together. There are memories of trips to the desert to listen to music until dawn that dwell in my mind. It's about being a part of something that is more than just me, and that's a source of relief. To be honest I don't remember the strain of my first hit. I'll take a guess and say it was White Fire OG because that's what my friends brought on the Vegas trip (where I had my first smoke).
*Extremely active imagination here due to smoking.
2. Healing Powers.
This goes beyond solely physical healing. Yes my health is the best it has been--ever. My body is happy and I am becoming happy with my body. My cognitive processing seems to be improving because I am able to remember things more clearly. My senses are on fire (refer to #5.). Going back to taking down some barriers in my mind, I was able to hold a metaphorical mirror up to my face and see all the ways I could improve to become a better person. After some time, and some counseling, and a lot of prayer time, I felt pieces of my soul fitting into place. Life started to seem smaller and less overwhelming. A good indica dominant hybrid I like is Larry OG. It reinforced the feelings of stress and pain leaving my body and mind.
1. Having the Greatest Relationship of My Life.
This is my number one because it is me keeping "the main thing the main thing." Smoking help me to expand my thinking, as I've said before. I was able to get my head out of my bum and was able to see that I need to fix aspects of my life--reevaluate somethings. Once I reorganized my priorities (and reorganized and reorganized), I was able to refocus on my goal. I found my Higher Power and began cultivating a beautiful relationship. I recommend Alien OG, another indica dominant hybrid that helped me along this process. This strain is appropriately named as I felt like it gave me the ability to have an "out of this world" experience. (I know...I'm a dork.)
So, this is me!
I'm new to smoking. I have a lot to learn about a lot of things. I am not an expert in any way and would love for those in the Steemit community that also smoke keep in touch with me. Let those beautiful freak flags fly free and foster this young smoker's weed knowledge!
Craig Grant says it might be better to comment than to post!
And don't worry. I've added link for those NOT interested in smoking and the scientific reasons why not to light up.
Love and peace,
You have won a glass pipe! Please see
Now let's decriminalize it.
The benefits of weed are being discovered every day! I'm so happy to have found it as well. I think for me, the most powerful sensory feeling happen when i listen to music.
Awesome :)
Keep it Clean!
another good story
It was very interesting to read story :)
I love Smoke Weed ;)
what is that!?