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RE: DEA's American Sucker Punch, Marijuana Stays Schedule 1 Drug

in #marijuana9 years ago (edited)

It's reminiscent of how the UK in the early (Blair) years in 2001 tried to be progressive by changing marijhuana to class C (from Class B).

Unfortunately the desiccated old prunes in the establishment had a fit over it and coughed up their gin (irony means nothing to them).

So Blair took the orders from his masters and put it back to Class B in 2005 despite all rational medical evidence and rational arguments against it.

Typical government behaviour.

I talk about these sorts of issues in one of my posts from last week : "Why Banning Drugs Doesn't Work and Never Will"

The wholes situation is ridiculous, counterproductive and only serves to increase harm and waste money.

Wait I forgot, governments seem to specialise in doing those things!


"Old prunes" "coughing up their gin".....splendid visual description! I have contacts in Urauagy who tell me Monsanto has been active there with their R & D. It is clear that the GMO corp's would and have jumped on the market to capitalize and patent strains. Yet, I am curious what properties they are altering/removing genetically from the strains.

Probably the "fun" components lol.