Medical marijuana = no 2nd amendment... for now.

in #marijuana8 years ago

        The 9th appeals court has ruled if you are holding a medical marijuana card, regardless if you use marijuana, you don't have the right to defend yourself with a firearm.  In other words if you have a medical condition that can be healed or suppressed by using medicinal plant matter, you better hope that you do not have any enemies and hope that you are not in a weak physical state (such as cancer) that anyone can take advantage of you.

This is just another fail by the judicial system that claims to be for justice, when they are only looking to continue the status quo of an endless drug war and make anyone associated with drugs a criminal.  

  The court says nothing about the 50 Americans that die from prescription painkiller overdoses each day.  Almost 70 percent of Americans take at least one prescription drug, and more than half take two.  It also is worth pointing out that 14% of Americans take antidepressants  (Most of which have suicidal side effects).  There also is a failure to to point out the fact that 70% of all Americans drink every year.  Which alcohol related deaths outnumbers any firearm related accidents by a huge margin about 40,000 to 1.     

And as this next video points out.  


And all this after the DEA refused to reclassify marijuana but this article points it out well.

But what other rights do they think they can take away by some arbitrary assumptions?