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RE: Mark Lyford Actually is a Fraudster

in #mark8 years ago

Still no visit Phil Winfield like you promised. And PLEASE prove you above statement that I took over $750K from investors as previously stated the total invested into Banx was less than $500k. so once again you are making numbers up as you go along.

To respond and clarify. Winfield has been threatening me with legal action over the investment he made of $30,000 (a private deal using my own privately held Banx at the time) this investment was a trade of goods, goods he was hiding from his own bankruptcy at the time)

I have NOT blocked you from my phone, i have blocked you from social media as you and others having been sending constant streams of abuse despite telling me you are going the legal route on me.

Once again, I have not blocked you on the phone and have repeatedly suggested a phone call to once and for all resolve this issue (I have all the texts) but you have refused to have a phone call with me. Instead you and your remaining supporters choose to issue veiled threats. I have all the screen caps of the things you have posted on every social medium and everything you cohorts have posted.

This is the thing Winfield, you have refused to speak to me, instead you chose to abuse me about this online. Thats fair enough, but, get your facts and figures right. You, Winfield make facts and figures up in your own head.

You traded me with goods in November 2014 for Banx shares which at the time was going well. I have never done any deals with people knowing things were going wrong. your investment didn't work. The startup didn't work. I have no 'hidden' funds as you have said many times. As you very well know businesses dont work out sometimes. Im sure the creditors from your chapter 11 will know that.

Once again, instead of running away I have stuck it out and offered EVERYONE the chance to convert their now worthless Banx to a new bitshares asset that will eventually pay profits based on everything I am doing moving forward.

Scammers don't do that, scammers hit and run. I have not hit and run. I have not hidden. I have even signed up to here under my own name. Does that sound like a scammer? You know im intelligent enough to do things differently if I were a scammer as you say.

I cant say it enough... Some startups work, MANY don't. Mine didn't. but I am an honourable man and thats why 90% of Banx holders have converted their Banx using the private offer I have made to them .

You seem to think I will be worried about any action you take against me.

I AM NOT. Why? Because I have nothing to hide and no cash stashed as you keep saying to people. The only people it will hurt are the people who are looking for me to make a success of business once again. (FYI - Entrepeneur Action IS happening, the things I am doing now all feed into its startup)

So quite wasting my time and spreading the hate Winfield. Choose your action like you said you did last week or don't, but quite with marking stuff in your own head.


thanks for your reply Mark I didn't know that you had bothered,
I was rather hoping that rather than just rattle off the tired old denials, you would get into the substance of what is at issue here, you haven't filed any accounts, there is no accountability being placed upon you & there needs to be,there are many unanswered questions as I have said from day one, if I can see that this case is a legitimate failed start up then fine, I can take the hit & would do so but it is not, you used a 16yr long friendship ( you & I) to plunder my inventory which you promptly sold & pocketed the cash, you tried to hit me again for $250k, yes I have the messages, you attempted to get Paul Okeefe to fly here to collect the products when I was slow in making the delivery, that ruse failed ,you attempted a 2nd time at $425k with live links to my products within your email, talk about suicidal mate I would be had I listened to you, you would have had me for in excess of $700k, and yet I'm the bad guy here?. all I want are answers & clarity & you deny them at every opportunity, you really should liquidate Banx Capital Ltd & file a final tax return, will you do that yes or no?, you haven't closed Banx down until you do,
I'll now respond to your reply to my initial post

Hello Mark,you need not worry, you will receive a visit from a court ordered service provider, the timing is up to my lawyer, we have a few modifications to make, it is simply a demand for repayment backed by a petition for your bankruptcy, as I have explained to you before, the bankruptcy is not really aimed at rounding up your assets although it will be a useful exercise, It is more a way of getting you under oath to answer questions & to be subjected to scrutiny from a trustee/administrator, I guess that you're expecting or contemplating a bankruptcy given that your brother is the only officer of your entity "Entrepreneur International Ltd, given the seriousness of the document it needs to be accurate, your email & text confirmations of having received the product are obviously within the file. the figures I refer in my earlier post are figures supplied by people within Banx, employees & such like and some investors of course, whatever the true figure it is excess of the $500k you refer to, your own "cash speadsheet" which you distributed laughingly called your "accounts" proves that 500k is impossibly low,

the tale about hiding goods from a bankruptcy is categorically not true, if it was there is no way that I would be inviting scrutiny on myself by pursuing you in this manner, it is a very serious offence to hide assets from a trustee as you are about to find out, including your pigeons unless you ate "speckled Jim"?
I invite you to make this allegation at the appropriate time so that your claim can be verified or rejected.

you must admit Mark, phone calls with you are not constructive, I responded to your request for a call "to sort things out"which is how you prefaced the call at the time, all I got was a madman on the phone screaming & shouting at me, verbal abuse & foul language then you told me to consider you "an enemy for life" unless I converted to EA, this wasn't going to happen.

with reference to not speaking to you, please see the above comment

as you now present it, I have gone along with having traded with you personally which is why I am proceeding against you personally, however, as a director of Banx Capital Ltd any value that you still have in that company needs to be declared, I am requesting that the company be investigated for fraud perpetrated by yourself so even if you attempt to have the entity forcibly struck off & dissolved you will not be in time to prevent this.....unless you go the voluntary liquidation route and all that it entails, something tells me that you won't do this.

I do believe that you refunded your parents the 150k that you borrowed from them, I believe that Banx investors actually funded your payment to them, a trustee has the power to reverse this deal, it is a formality,this could produce 150k for the creditors
I also believe that you do have cash secreted, there has been zero accounting & there has been a ton of cash sloshing around, all of it under your control, you could put the parent issue & the hidden funds to bed immediately by producing audited accounts.

I never thought that you would scarper, you love your kids too much for that, as a dad I understand that, I do believe that EA was a method just to temporarily massage your investors, it didn't work with me because of the way that you had behaved, I had no faith, I only began to pursue you because you defrauded me out of product & you didn't give a damn & you still don't

I object to you referring to Banx as a failed start up, do you remember all the promotional BS you pumped to get people to invest, well, here is my version of your marketing
"hey guys I have this idea, I'm capital raising right now, I need $6m, it may be a total failure & i'll spend $500k to find out, there won't be any accounts available to anyone not even HMRC, who wants in?"........., how much do you think you would have raised?

I am indifferent as to whether you are worried about my action or not, worry is not something that I am looking for, I am looking for a positive constructive response so that bankruptcy is not necessary & we settle & get on with our lives, that is all that I have ever wanted, you're the one that has driven this into the negative by your actions,behavior, & your callous indifference .

Mark, none of this is designed to waste time, I contacted your former employees & other folk to gain an understanding of what went on, your book was a great help BTW, certainly explains a lot with regard to how you work.
now then, just a thought, why don't you stop running around the bushes, drop the smoke & mirrors act & address the issues & questions at hand, in other words no more obfuscation Mark.