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RE: Align Text, Images, Videos & GIF's to the Center of Post using Markdown Raw Editor

in #markdown8 years ago

Thank you for posting @steemitguide. Esteem is one way of uploading images directly from ones library...however since they are working on is currently out of comission.
How does one go about submitting a photo....from particular which of the options is compatable with either markdown or raw?
Sorry for the trouble.


You just need the Link for the Image! You can pretty much just copy paste the image into the Raw Editor.
I personally use and Just need to copy paste the Link into Raw Markdown Editor

Thank you for your reply. Will give it a go.

Thank you for your reply @stemmitguide. Very kind of you to send these links....the latter is what worked for bleujay.

Happy to help out ! Also followed you for your ''principle of the day'' Posts :) STEEM ON!

Thank you for your reply @steemitguide. Hope you enjoy the principles.
Thank you for the 'follow'......will reciprocate.