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RE: How to post like a pro - Complete guide to Markdown formatting

in #markdown4 years ago

It might be worth adding something that took me a while to figure out. None of the searches I processed listed this information, I figured it out through trial and error.

When using the centre option, everything following will center, even when /Center is used.

To realign left, < BR > (I can’t get the back tick to work) must be added (I’m sure < p > would work as well).

A couple other side notes:

  • dash ‘-‘ also produces bullet points and is easier to add than the alternative, *

  • if one wants space between headers, br needs to be used on the next line

  • to get text beside a photo, the image needs to be small enough to allow space; markdown doesn’t accept HTML code sizing. Either download or design a small enough variation, or edit.

  • emphasis and bold star * codes don’t work after punctuation, so the * must be placed before the period, question mark, or whatever.

  • more than one < sub > can be used to create even smaller text than the small text. one sub two subs three subs four subs

  • two lines ____ with italic font in between cad serve perfectly as block quote or links

  • larger headers can also be used for block quotes, or links.

  • headers and spacing can be applied differently than standard use, for creative and visual appealing formatting (especially for poets)

Mark, thank you for your list. There were a few things that I didn’t already know, and one partially behaviours I’ve been trying to get to work for me. Very handy.


When using the centre option, everything following will center, even when /Center is used.

This isn't really true, but there are some oddities that do cause a center to be unclosed. But most cases <center></center> works fine.

emphasis and bold star * codes don’t work after punctuation, so the * must be placed before the period, question mark, or whatever.

Sure they do. You just can't have a space between it.

to get text beside a photo, the image needs to be small enough to allow space; markdown doesn’t accept HTML code sizing. Either download or design a small enough variation, or edit.

You can resize images via code:

Tiny Picture links back to my blog:

By combining the resize and making it an image link you can have nice sized images for a line of icon links.
<center><sub>Tiny Picture links back to my blog:</sub></center><center><a href=""><img src=></a></center>
This is the segment that allows the resize

To add blank spaces between the images use the HTML Code &nbsp; I find stringing 5 blank spaces works pretty good.