Why many crypto coins fail in the market. this is a phenomenon and problems encountered by many coin cryptocurrencies that have been listed in the market and in coinmarketcap.
most coins only rely on traders and miners which of course is a pattern and a wrong strategy of the coin developers.
Coin will not be sought by trader and miner if it does not have ecosystem and circulation or circulation of coin it does not exist or in the sense that coin can not be used as barter tool or also as transaction tool
Most coins only rely on traders and miners which of course is a pattern and a wrong strategy of the coin
Coins will not be in demand by traders and miners if they do not have a large User CommunityAnd there are also coin developers try their luck making their coin as coin networking (multi level marketing/MLM)
Coin-based MLM or network marketing just tend to take advantage of the development and growth of the userif there is no growth member / user then the coin will stagnate and die slowly and ultimately SCAM
EXO comes with a different concept and business strategy which has a well-designed and designed as a long-term and sustainable business platform.
exocoin blends a smart concept where two different types of coins are mixed into an ecosystem that is synergized and mutually supportive so as to build strength and resilience both in value and also supply / distribution for the long term.
Pure coin is the role of EXOCOIN (EXO) as a coin that is designated as a pay tool and digital transaction tool supported by built ecosystem such as EXOPAY, EXOTRADE and EXOSPORT and also in next phase will be built retail and merchant network that accept EXOCOIN (EXO ) around the world with EXOPAY as a support platform when transacting in the future EXOSYSTEM (EXO ecosystem network) (See The EXO WHITEPAPER)
Network Coin is also provided by EXO with the name EXOSYSTEM COIN (EXYS) which comes as a support platform to build a Community that is not only a Trader and Miner Community but also EXO has a strategy in building Community network to support acceleration in the composition of the number of users and community in the world of network marketing. EXOSYSTEM COIN (EXYS) is a transaction tool used for users who follow ESP (EXO SHARING PROGRAM) which is a program offered to EXYS User Users (See ESP Business Plan)