Wow just wow
Since 2018 the stock markets have gone up 2x to 3x. We're at the second longest bull run in history.
I've been waiting for a stock market crash for a couple of years now. Everyone is waiting..
Stock markets crash every 7 years. If you include major corrections in the financial world, the following chart comes up:
Look at the years in between:
4 years
5 years
3 years
8 years
2 years
7 years
3 years (2011)
.. 2018?
Legendary investor Jim Rogers agrees - in a great historical look:
@jdruiter - unfortunately I could not agree with you more. Not that I have anything against agreeing with you, I just wish it was about world peace or furry bunny rabbits and not an impending market implosion (or explosion) . Just reading this great article by @thehutchreport about the same issue:
Its good spectable .. but most people are much happier with bunnies and without crashes. I do kinda like m