Steem Market update

in #market9 years ago

Steemit market is back and trading low $3's

The market is back online and it is currently bid 3.09 x 3.35 with large size with much tighter spreads for smaller size.

I am a bit surprised to see it this high following the 36 hour outage. I have watched the markets for hours and this is the largest size I have seen. I know it is likely just the market makers gaming the system by trading against themselves but it seems like a benefit in the short term after a major outage. Anyone who wants to panic can just hit the market maker. If the market maker gets tagged for his full bid, you can bet he won't be coming back too many times after that without lowering his bid significantly.



Why did you down vote this ? I'm fine with it just curious why =)

Here's to hoping it goes up so i can power up with AND keep some on the exchange to play with!

That is the plan for me as well. I am having fun trading it. I wish the liquidity rewards were actually able to go to someone who was not trading against themselves.