Fiat Money: Instrument of Legal Plunder.

in #market7 years ago (edited)

In this report I cover the early market action from London on Thursday, June 14th, 2018. I look briefly at the precious metals, the stock market, the dollar and the bond market.

I also look into the nature of our current monetary system and how it relates to the State and how the State has perveted the spirit of the law. To do this I look int a book, that in my opinion is a must read, called The Law by Frederic Bastiat. In it Bastiat explains haw the law evolved in nature and how it is supposed to protect the individual's person, liberty an property. Bastiat explains how legislators and big government have corrupted the law and actually use their power to plunder the individual.

My conclusion is that our current fiat money system has exploited the law and is being used by legislators to plunder individuals through inflation and taxation.

"The Law" free pdf and Amazon link:

"The Law" by Frederic Bastiat:

"The Law" on Amazon:

▶️ DTube

The Law is an absolute force of a book. It left a huge impression on me. I first heard it recommended by the President of Liberland.

Yes. Short but sweet!

You have a minor misspelling in the following sentence:

Bastiat explains how legislators and big government have corrupted the law and actually use thier power to plunder the individual.
It should be their instead of thier.

Thanks. I'll correct it.

Good morning maneco64, thank you for your very important knowledge as usual, as you can see and you know, i fly the real english flag of the wyvern, not the union or papal st george, because as you rightly say those others are all ensigns of fiat control which has nothing to do with the rule of law, the wyvern is what alfred the great stood under who created the rule of law "common law" which was replaced by the cross of st george in 1066 by william the bastard! which was given to him to do so by pope alexander11 to receive his blessings! keep up the great work my friend

Hi Andrew, I will try to get a cushion with the flag of wyvern. Thanks for the feedback as usual. I appreciate it.

your very welcome, oh i hope a typo maneco ie, william lol :)

Sorry Andrew, I must have had William the Bastard in my mind after reading your comment. I'm very sorry!

I just bought a flag of wyvern mouse pad and a cushion too!

Brilliant! fantastic! maneco64 i look forward to seeing it in your video's my friend on no need to apologies! i actually have a brother named william, and he agrees that is namesake was a bastard! lol

Maneco, like you, I play golf and today on the golf course a woman in her sixties and I were talking about how crazy the world is - Fake News, crazy debt, Trump ect. I asked this woman if she knew what game theory was?? She looked at me puzzeled and said back, "is it about playing a game?" I laughed --- and there lies the PROBLEM -- there is this game that has been played by world leaders, corporations, bankers and globalists since FOREVER and the average person is ignorant to it's existence. I am a big Game of Thrones fan and Tyrion gives Daenerys a good talk about the "Great Game". Our education system teaches us a history that makes it out that "things just happen" (reasons given for outbreak WWI are classic) and then there is a response to this random event. In this fake history we are taught (in my country) the US is always portrayed as the good guy; however in reality nothing could be further from the truth. The globalists are playing a game that is not about "one move" and a game that takes decades to reach fruition, I think that we are nearing the end of their global plan. Control of the education system was a big part of the globalists plans and it why students are taught fake history and fake economics because it is only people who don't know anything about anything that could actually believe what is being taught. I think Bastiat's The Law and Thomas Paine's Common Sense are two books that should be mandatory reading for EVERY human being on the planet. There are a few others as well LOL- but this is a good beginning.

Hi @ktb1964, I agree with you. Things don't happen by accident. I recommend the Norman Dodd interview with G. Edward Griffin. In it Norman Dodd talks about how the Carnegie Foundation was discussing in 1908 that a war would be a way to change American society and lo and behold a few years later they got their central bank and WWI! Here is the interview:

I have seen this post already -- it is amazing and something that every person everywhere should see -- these foundations are nothing but Trojan Horses and the Rockefeller, Carngie, Mellon and Guggenheim are really really evil if one looks closer to what they actually do. Rockefeller controls medicine and so much it is unbelievable in its scope.

This is a nice content.thanks for sharing this post

Thank you for your review, now you are talking about fiat money at least I already know what is fiat money, in your discussion I know that fiat Money is money whose value comes from regulation or government law. Thank you for adding my science and sharp analytics

Hi maneco64,

I just found this video from 2013. I've found it really convenient to share on this moments. Perhaps it gives you some ideas for videos.

great work! Thanks.