Is The Latest Market Plunge Signaling The Start Of The Next Economic Crisis - Episode 1489a

in #market7 years ago

The market plunged by 600 points, the wealthy lost approximately 68.5 billion, this is a drop in the bucket, when the market drops losses will be 100 times greater. Even if you are not in the market it will have an effect on everyone. Is this plunge in the market an indicator that this is a start of the economic crisis. The situation looks very similar to 2008.


Thank again, Dave. I am one of your longtime listeners.

it is very unfortunate if there is a global economic crisis the poor are targeted. millionaires do not seem to fall, because krn can survive, the poor a bite of rice is very difficult. hopefully this storm will pass quickly.

Banksters end up in prison only in civilized countries (like Iceland)

You might be right, dow jones futures look to be down right now per marketwatch. Should be an action packed week in the markets.

Thanks Dave, good spotlight report.