Upvoted and resteemed man! And thanks for resteemeing @surfyogi and you should run for EOS block producer candidate even if you don't win its more symbolic, you can get a lot of attention for GHANA EOS which doesn't exist reallty but you should make it exist@
Only #eosnairobi @eosnairobi which may not bne on steem yet just checking, they are onkly African EOS team getting recognition and publicity right now so you MUST create EOS Ghana
There will be 400 million dollars a year ibn new EOS produced (that's the 5% inflation) so PLKEASE make sure to propose business plans for ways to SPEND some of that EOS in Ghana! Explain how a sort of MARSHAL PLAN for EOS in Afriuca will provide EOS with LIFETIME userbase , hundreds of millions of news users will be formed that way if EOS comes in and helps rebuild internet infrastructure then you could create all thesed new potyential EOS users many of which have expereience with DPOS blockchains like STEEM and this wil also help Steem get publicity. EOS just has more money than steem right now and also many EOS users are also steem users so whats good for EOS will be godo for steem! As peope find out about EOS they'll also find out about Steem because its also DPOS and creeated by same person Dan Larimer.
So in summary, hjust please create the skelaton at least of a EOS ghana organization so you can at least stake your claim to a geographic center for EOS in your region, because theers not much African EOS block producer candidates and even if you don't win block producer hich you won't, you can still get a loy of attention and get some of that seed angel investing airdrop money for your projects here@!!!!! Imagine using some of that EOS money to revamp mobile phone ifrastructure in Ghana to imrpove the country to 4g all over, imagine that man, imagine upgrading all of Ghana to 4g qand small 5g local village wfi etc , it can happen with the ,moneyu EOS has! Heck, it could happen even with the money Steem has!@ but shoot for the moon, because even if you don't make it youll land among the stars
wow..thats such a brilliant idea and hope that EOS brings..The future now appears so clear with EOS now..many thanks for passing by today @ackza