Today on the way after work, ambiance and diversity of the Zurich markets, very practical for shopping.
At the end of a railway station street, under chestnut trees between the banking district and Lake Zurich.
Flowers, vegetables, cheese, regional specialities, organic products, exotic products from all over the world and fresh mushrooms.
Heute unterwegs nach dem arbeit, Ambiance und Vielfalt der Zürcher Märkte, sehr praktisch zum einkaufen.
Am Ende der Bahnhof strasse, unter Kastanienbäumen zwischen dem Bankenviertel und dem Zürichsee.
Blumen, Gemüse, Käse regionale Spezialitäten, Bio-Produkte, exotisches aus aller Welt und frische Pilze.
Homemade delicacies also in Zurich railway station.
Hausgemachte Delikatessen auch in Zürich Bahnhof.
A big thanks to the @dswigle for being this nice Market Friday host!
I hope you enjoy it. Best wishes, have a nice weekend!
Schöne Bilder und noch lecker dazu.:-)
Vielen Dank!
Durch die Marktstände zu gehen, finde ich auch immer sehr interessant.
Da gibt es immer viel zu entdecken und man bekommt gute
Danke für deinen schönen Artikel.
Viele Grüße.
Vielen Dank! Grüsse und ein schönes Wochenende!
What a cool Market Friday post I have been through that train station but never saw the Market
Thanks a lot! Greetings, have a most lovely weekend.
Most welcome and you to have a good weekend
This post has been manually curated, resteemed
and gifted with some virtually delicious cake
from the @helpiecake curation team!
Keep up the great work!Much love to you from all of us at @helpie!
Manually curated by @vibesforlife.
Thanks a lot!
That's fruits is atis name here in philippines
Posted using Partiko Android
Thnanks a lot for your addition.
What a beautiful market! I want to go shopping there immediately! The cheese alone is making me hungry.
Thank you very much, yeah i can only confirm very delicately.