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RE: Market Friday goes Cruising Part ll

in #marketfriday6 years ago

Wo, what a complete answer! I'm not against opulence, wealth, and brilliance. I understand what a cruise is ... is like an all inclusive resort, maybe much more, but a moving one. Almost all time on the ocean.
The most important thing is to be able to do what you like ... and I see you like it and I really love it for it.

Thanks for everything and be sure I will never see in what you post other than what you wanted to look like. Maybe sometimes I don't understand the meaning of the writing but I know you, nothing can be wrong!The presentation is perfect and that's why we are here ... to show each other our experiences, the joys and even the sadness. Of course we are very different ... to take these differences because of the new external factors. Education, material status, age, where we live ... then: desires, culture ... there are dozens of things that make us different. That's why I appreciate Steemit, as a place to know better about people, places and lifestyles from which many of us will not be able to reach. Posts in #MarketFriday help with this.


Well yes, the written word is kind of cruel that way. When you're in a hurry many times it says things that you don't want it to say or that you want don't want to portray. I try to be careful and how I say things but sometimes I come off sounding not like I want. But, you are a good sport and I love the fact that you keep me straight. Lol have a most wonderful day, Dan and as always I look forward to your words.

I probably said something wrong. You write very nice and fair. You do not have to worry, and I'm the last one to judge ...

Not at all! You are always kind to me. :)

Thank you!