
Sooo, sooo true! And I have been thinking of you and the mommy-to-be, wondering if it is a good sign that you aren't getting along now... oh, to be married I might want to commit hari-kari ....Kidding, just know it could be hormones. Right? :)

All play and no work makes craig a fun boy. Now *that could be trouble all in itself. Yikes

Ahh my friend such a tragic situation lies deceipt deception like one big soap opera, more money than I have, basically lawyers mediators, shrinks and more and we are farming backwards and he is only due 16 Feb. I am pretty stressed about it all to say the very least but trying my hardest to keep a positive mindset, I have to be strong for my boy. Basically in mediation yesterday she demanded R4000 a month from me around $300 which is much more than I can currently afford that's one thing but not the worst. The worst thing is she only wants me to see him for 3 hours a week, 1 hour a day three times a week. I am so traumatized to be honest. I asked her to look me in the eyes and say that again, and she did. I told her this was a circus and a joke infront of shrink and mediator. So Monday off to lawyer probably maintenance court etc. So terribly terribly sad and tragic she really has no idea what she is doing and I am fighting for him, sadly fighting is also not the answer as we all suffer but he suffers the most ;( .. be blessed I am off to bed. x xx