We are self isolating as much as we can, due to the covid 19 outbreak. So for today's #marketfriday I'm using Amazon Fresh for the first time.
(I am at home 100%, poor Hubby still has to go to work. He is just going to work and then straight home though. And, it helps that they can stay a decent amount of space apart where he works. I don't love that he has to work right now, but it is what it is.)
I placed my order on March 17th but it can take up to three days for it to be delivered. The first time I tried to order, all three delivery days were filled up.
I decided to be sneaky. I stayed up late that night and placed my order just after midnight. Doing that meant Friday's, (today), delivery times had not been booked up yet.
The store shelves were pretty thin, if not empty the last time we went. It was nice to find most of what we need on Amazon Fresh.
I even managed to order some eggs for today. There were no eggs in sight at the store. I was actually pleasantly surprised by the pricing too. Some items costed more than I would typically pay but we are not going to get brand or sale selections at a time like this.
It's currently 7:40 AM. My order should be here between 8-10 AM. I plan to let this post sit until it arrives so I can let you know how it went. It will be interesting to see how it arrives. Will it be in bags like from the store, or in boxes...
It arrived at 9:22 AM and as you can see, in paper bags. I was very happy with how it was packed. The cold food, was cold. My only complaint, is they didn't ring my door bell. Since I was home and heard them it was not an issue. (I didn't go out to get it until they left.)
All in all, I am very happy with ordering groceries from Amazon Fresh and will do it again if needed.
#marketfriday is by the lovely @dswigle You should pay her a visit! :)


I have yet to see if amazon fresh is even an option in my area. I'm all stocked up for a bit due to keeping hurricane supplies on hand anyways.
Stay safe and have a wonderful weekend!
I started to gather a little extra as soon as I heard about it coming. My spidey senses just tingled and told me to pay attention. That said, I did not clear store shelves or go over board. :)
You stay safe too my friend!!
This was an awesome post for the times and for the challenge! I use the Amazon to order and it takes the sting out of waiting in lines with people who do not know what social distancing is.
I must say that I do feel bad for all the Amazon workers who are overworked and having to work harder to keep us in food!!
I am happy to see you using the option. It is a good feeling to feel a little bit safer in today's world. Thanks so much for posting to the challenge and for taking the time to put it together!
#MarketFriday loves you!
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Thanks!! I will admit, it felt weird to order groceries this way but in the end I rather liked it. Don't get me wrong, when the coast is clear, I will be back in the stores. I like picking my stuff out but this is sure a great option when needed!! :)
I love #MarketFriday too! <3
I don't blame you!! It is pretty cool! Thanks again for being part of the challenge!