Aunt Polly’s Pizza, that I didn't even know was still in business. I seen an ad for them and was beside myself! The best part is, they brought it to my door! :)For #marketfriday we ordered a pizza from one of my favorite childhood pizza places,
And yes, it was just as I remembered it. :D
Since Hubby is picky, we ordered our pizza with half of it containing what I like and the other half with stuff he likes. Mine had 'the works', his was pepperoni, sausage and ham.
I recently bought Paint Shop Pro 2018. I upgraded from Paint Shop Pro 8 and boy have things changed! I'm still learning all of my shiny new buttons but made this #funkyedits while playing around with it.
I wanted to get this #treetuesday out on Tuesday but life wasn't in agreement with me. I figured its better late than never though. :P
I took this on a recent hike with Hubby. I am sure the tree is in memory of someone but I could not find any information about who it was for. It is a sweet tribute all the same though and I wanted to share it with you guys.
#marketfriday is by the lovely @dswigle , #funkyedits was initiated by @tattoodjay and @krazypoet and #treetuesday is by @old-guy-photos.
As far as life in general goes, we've been Spring cleaning at work this week. You can only imagine how fun that has been. Have you ever pulled beds completely apart to dust the frames and then pulled them to the hall so you could better clean the floor under them? Take my advice and just don't. Ha!
My daughter is moving back to town this Sunday. Sunday is Mother's Day, she told me my gift is her moving back and even though I have to help her move, it makes me more happy than she will ever know. :D Now that she will be back in town, I plan to do a weekly dinner where we are all together and the kids love the idea.
I have to admit that I have been on the struggle bus a little as well. Losing my mom, former father in law and perimenopause kicking up a notch in the last 6 months, some days are a little tougher than others.
I wouldn't call myself depressed but I am still healing from their deaths and perimenopause has my hormone levels all over the place. Diet changes have seemed to help though so there is hope. :)
I'll have to do a blog about the diet changes in relation to perimenopause sometime.
If You Are Reading This, I Hope You Have An Awesome Day!
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Pizza is great but kinda expensive here..thanks for sharing this market @debralee
It's kind of expensive here too, really eating out period is now days. But its a nice treat every now and then.
Looks like great pizza...the works for me! Love your photo edit. Keep smiling...It helps.
Thanks @melinda010100!!
looks really delecious dear, i do really wanna tast it, hope you enjot it.
We did, I had not had pizza from that place in over 25 years. :)
I’ve always found it odd you can order a pizza to your door but not anything else food wise unless you use some third party app. I would have thought other business would have wanted to get in on this. Perhaps there food just does not travel so well. Fries never make it home as good as they would have been right out of the fryer.
Always great when your old favorite is still around! I use to go to this amazing Mexican restaurant maybe twice a year (I almost never eat out). Last year we went there and found the doors closed and the sign had fallen apart. So we tried another Mexican restaurant nearby. It was awful! I’ve not found a good replacement since. I hope your locals help keep that pizza place open! Can't forget about the great places.
I've never understood why more don't bring it to your door as well. I suppose you're right though, some foods just don't hold up like pizza.
We still eat out more than we should but outside of this pizza, I've been looking over menu's & making better choices from them.
I hope that pizza was delicious for everyone :) general cleaning is difficult but it's right not to breathe dust that accumulated over the winter. to change the diet is always correct. my husband and I did this and do not regret it. as my husband says: you can eat everything in your youth, in adulthood you have to take care of your health :)
It was' Hubby really liked it too. We get down on the floor and get a dust mop under those beds at least weekly but it doesn't hurt to clean deeper in the Spring. :D
that's for sure!
That's how we do pizza too. LOL! I love your funkyedit!
I'm glad we are not alone. lol Thank you!
The funky edits looks pretty cool and the pizza works for me either side. Sorry to hear of your ongoing grief and the hormonal issues. It's good to hear from you when you feel up to it. Stay positive Deb. tip!
I have just eaten Hubby's way on pizza's for years but I've recently decided I get it my way too. :P Thanks so much!!
Pizza looks good. How lovely to find the place still open- that’s a good sign they are still making a great pizza.
Planting a tree is a nice way to remember someone..but who is it? Maybe the name will be put on a plaque later.
Have fun with your new funky edits, Deb. ❤️ 😊
I would love to know who that tree was planted for but there is not information about it that I could dig up. Thanks!
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The pizza is so tempting!
Your editing is awesome!
Xoxoxo and...Happy Mother's day in advance @debralee !
It was really tasty. :D Thank you so much, I hope you have a Happy Mother's Day too!
The pizza looks awesome and the weekly dinner sounds like a great idea!! Hope you are feeling better soon!! xoxo
Thanks so much Deb! xoxo
Yes please! I would definitely love that pizza! I mean the whole pizza! 😁
I know I ate too much of it. lol
So you're saying there's nothing left for me, right? 😀
I am. lol
That's extremely disappointing! 😀
Yes please! I would definitely love that pizza! I mean the whole pizza! 😁
The pizza looks so good! It definitely looks better than most commercial chains of pizza places. I've definitely never dusted a frame of a bed lol. Sounds like a lot of work.
They put more toppings on than most chains do for sure. It was a lot of work, the worst part was moving it all to the hallway and then back in after sweeping and mopping. lol
I hate when pizza places go skimpy on toppings, so it is nice when you find a place that gives you what you pay for.
Okay, now I KNOW what I want for dinner!!! I NEED it.
Happy Mother's Day Deb. Bittersweet as it will be for you. I'm happy for you that your daughter is closer and you'll be having those beautiful family dinners.
I live your funky edit btw. Great job.
Thanks, Happy Mother's Day to you too. I needed pizza that night too, this being good with food sucks. lol
Oh my goodness! That pizza looks absolutely scrumptious! Love the funky edit of the flowers. I would love to start doing some of these things, I just need to find the time. Lossing folks close to you is always difficult. It takes time to heal. It is wonderful that the kids will be home. I love it when our family can have meals together. It is so special.
It was! :P Thanks, I hear ya time is a thing here too. Of course you have a lot more going on than I do for sure. I still have you all in my thoughts. I love family meals too. <3
The pizza is awesome, just give me the works as well!
I never bought into someone as being depressed if they are sad about real issues! Well wishes to you Deb!
Yeah, me too. I can't think of a time where I've ever considered myself depressed. I think it's normal to process stuff like this for awhile.
That cheeeeese in the pizza it make's it so delicious even by staring the picture. I must say you are becoming more good at your photography, the color the angle it's so amazing. Happy mother's day to you. ;)
Thank you so much!!
Wow! That pizza is looking mighty fine!! We get ours like that here at the house. That way, everyone is happy!
Spring cleaning and Fall cleaning! It is inbred, I swear. Except if you live in a part of the country that has one season: Hot Then, there is no need to change wardrobes etc.
Perio... On what a treat! Diet will help some people - tremendously. Others, not so much. Time will tell.
Love your #marketfriday, as usual! Glad you could do it again!
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Thanks!! :D
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