Thank you so much for such a lovely comment! If you like this one, last weeks air show was Amazing! We had rain in these photos but last weeks were many more close-ups and much better shots. If you have a moment, sneak a peek. You can find it here.
I think you will love them.
It does cost a lot for the air shows. For a jet to fly one mission is high!
A-10 costs about $6,000 + an hour
C-130 is primarily used for airlift missions and cost about $7,100 an hour
The latest fifth-generation fighter F35A is about $28,500.00 an hour
A stealth multi-role fighter the F-22 Raptor is over $33,500.00
So the cost is amazingly high. Thank you for stopping by and leaving such a lovely comment! I hope you have a wonderful weekend!