I find it interesting they didn't mask the birth certificate as they do here. Perhaps that is why.
That is great that this information was passed on to you. I am sure it will come in handy some day.
I find it interesting they didn't mask the birth certificate as they do here. Perhaps that is why.
That is great that this information was passed on to you. I am sure it will come in handy some day.
I honestly do not know Maybe it was masked and somehow someone found info, I know it was a good 50 Years after he got his birth certificate that one of his siblings contacted him and arranged the meeting with the family, it is somehting I would love to find more about but have had no luck so far
Keep trying. Obviously, somebody knows something and I believe you well may come up with a useful tidbit that will lead you to more. That is what happened to our family.
I was recently in contact with a couple of the DNA matches, one of them is asking her uncles if they know My Dad or of any brother adopted out so I hope I get some feedback that way
That is such an amazing tool they opened up to the general public!
Ohh yes indeed it was so cool to see my Ancestry as per the DNA, a few little surprises
And now, the government is using that same information...
yes indeed nothing is secret but for me thats fine I am an open book :)