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RE: Market Friday goes House Hunting!!

in #marketfriday6 years ago (edited)

I love the wooded area too! Although the pool is up there on my list as is the sauna!Yes!!! You can paint the house! Very California looking. :)

They do have things like that but it is an architecture thing and I am sure that there are plenty out there that love them/ I know I do!

MarketFriday loves you!!



I could live in just about any house in forest yard like that : ) With the pool too of course!

Thank you!

I would say that the outside kitchen needs to be thrown in too!

Are you saying there aren't any mosquitos? lol :)

Don't ask me why, but, mosquitos are not rampant in this part of the country unless you live in a densely swampy area. I had never thought about it, but, people that have come to visit different parts of Virginia have made comments and it's true and has nothing to do with spraying pesticides.

I am not sure what they do, but, it seems to be more along with a natural fix because my body doesn't appreciate those chemical sprays. They make my lips numb, so I can tell when places do it.

So, the answer to your question is, not really. It doesn't seem to be a problem.

How about that?

I was being a bit silly. We have a lot more mosquitos around lately. I was just bitten several times when i wrote that ; ( The pesticides don't seem like a good way to go.