Of course, that makes me sad as this year was the year of Africa.
Le Sigh.
But, I would rather be safe than sorry. The State Department has been sending me the no go a message for a while... :)If there is any chance of violence or looting (you get the drift) I get an advisory to stay clear. So, I get to go to Columbia and Panama this time around. I will save a bigger trip for later in the year.
Haha! No "no exposure" was checked before I took them.
Stay blessed, my friend!
Yeah that's wise as we have to protect our pretty Lady Denise and rather careful than sorry. Colombia and Panama sounds interesting and you certainly get around madame. Furthest I have been is Zambia Lol.
Take care and blessings!
I'm excited to go to Columbia! I haven't been back there in a very long time, it was one of those No (no go)
place. It seems everywhere is nowadays.
Oh, Zambia! Now I am jealous! When I was a young girl, I used to dream of living in Africa and National Geographic really made that come to life!
Have a great day!
All that I ask is that you take care my friend.
At school one of my best subjects was history and I admired John Livingstone, or was it David Livingstone? In any case it was great to explore the places where the great man made his inroads. I even visited the small town called Livingstone in northern Zimbabwe. Chobe in Botswana is another of my favorites. Oh and of course the mighty Victoria waterfalls.
Then there are places such as Magoebas Kloof with the tea plantations here in the far north of South Africa that should never be missed.
I think that you know that I have just taken you on a short tour in our backyard and I trust that you have enjoyed the trip.
May your day also be filled with love and laughter!