I have to admit that redoing and updating the old Victorian is very tempting, even though it was totally redone 12 years ago. Because of the age of the building and everything else including how the house was orientated I think that it would cost more to make yourself sufficient than to rebuild a whole new one. So, I am sure that in time she will be going on the market and another will take her place. Sadly when they have been left to disrepair for a hundred years or so oh, they're much harder to keep looking beautiful without putting a lot of money into it year after year. Of course she is beautiful but weighing the odds of cost versus use oh, the cost is going to win in this case. She was an emotional buy because I thought she was so beautiful and she still is, but I have to learn to become less emotional about my wants and focus more on my needs. How so very dull of me!
But, you are right in the fact that I will never stop turning in and even if this is not be one, there will and being ahead of the game and planning it all out is to my advantage! However, in saying that I do believe that this may be the one! Have a wonderful weekend and thank you for stopping by!