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RE: Market Friday Goes Net Zero

in #marketfriday5 years ago

Isn't that the truth? I believe that everybody thinks that it will never happen today and I am pretty sure that South Africa felt the same way at one point. But the reality of it all is that the government can do whatever it pleases, whenever it pleases. And as much as I am not a radical, I don't want to live under anybody's thumb or at the mercy of another. And yes I still believe everything will be fine but it never hurts to be prepared. I hope you have a most wonderful day! Thanks so much for joining the challenge!


Hey my friend sorry I am only responding now. I just wish the world would wake up, the reason it is a mess is government and the more we take from them the power the better for all of us. I had my first BBQ tonight on the gas I got a custom 3mm stainless steel pan made up, made chicken and my recent invented speciality three cheeses aubergine and three cheese green pepper. DELICIOUS.. MWAH x xx