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RE: Market Friday

in #marketfriday6 years ago (edited)

It's so good to see you! Bonaire is like a little know secret, probably why the reefs are still healthy and the abundance of sea life. I was so taken with the flamingos flying overhead. I have never seen such a glorious sight!

It is truly a culture like no other that I have seen. It is the entire island and if you have your own equipment, you can just drive right up to a beach area (the whole island) and do a walk-off. It is the coolest thing and they have the most amazing coral reef (although I have never been to the Great Barrier Reef)

I am excited to see some of your Sidney Markets and the new organic farmers especially! Have you been okay? Camera napping sounds like you have been having some changes going on. Do tell?I hope all is well in your world. I miss your smiling words and gentle touch. @allyinspirit
