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RE: Market Friday Goes to the Air Show - Part One

in #marketfriday6 years ago

Oh you know me so well! This is the time of the year that the air show is attended by Denise. Right before the hot heat and not in the cold. I do love these fabulous men and their flying machines. Synchronize flying is such an exact science, which is one of the reasons why I would never be able to do it. I do things with a pinch of this and a pinch of that, no exact science for anything!

It was a most wonderful show and I could go again and again.

Thank you so much for supporting me and for helping make Market Friday a success. For without people like yourself, there would be no challenge. As usual, I hope that you have a most incredible weekend!

#MarketFriday loves you!



I do things with a pinch of this and a pinch of that, no exact science for anything!

Haha, I do feel you !

And that's why I'll never be a perfectionist! It's so overrated anyway. Love to you and Luigi and all my little wonky friends!